Re: [Request] Secret Agent~騎士学園の忍びなるもの~
looooooooool, just wait dudes. E is very popular brand, someone will uptload game sooner or later :)
but just IMHO
it is not that bad that ppl not sharing new products instantly. game developers should earn some money too. there are bunch of ppl who have...
Re: REQUEST モノノ系彼女~陰キャですが、恋して良いですか?~
for now, they dont share their sh1t until someone else does. years may pass, and if no one else upload it, they will not either.
sh1ttiest warez group ever :D danm, cant believe I respected they before
If you have this game please post 2 cue files from the package. They're small text files, less that 1kb in length, so you can just copy paste them here.