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  1. R

    [Request] [d_456558] サキュバスクイーンの陰謀世界〜色仕掛けの誘惑と6つのオーブ〜

    The game isn't even posted, if we don't have the files, how can we translate? can't even buy it because trying to go to the store page boots me right back to the home page
  2. R

    [Japanese] [241122][ジャクシークリエイト] ボクの異世界なつやすみ [RJ01268655]

    This version also has the demo problem, where the game thinks you're playing a demo. game.ini proxy=0 "workaround" does not work. Tested on mexashare version
  3. R

    [Japanese] ✨Shine✨[241122][ジャクシークリエイト] ボクの異世界なつやすみ(Fixed) [RJ01268655]

    This version also has the demo mode problem. proxy=0 "workaround" was tested on mexashare version, still getting demo mode
  4. R

    [Japanese] [241122][ジャクシークリエイト] ボクの異世界なつやすみ [RJ01268655] (Fixed)

    Still getting the demo problem. proxy=0 on game.ini does not work.
  5. [Request][悲しみのZ]遭難学生~無人島で僕は成り上がる~

  6. R

    [Japanese] [131108][SIMPLE HOUSE] PrettySexyOrgasm [v14.01.16]

    Re: [131108][SIMPLE HOUSE] PrettySexyOrgasm [v14.01.16] [RJ123163] windows flags the entire RAR as trojan and deletes it before i can get to it
  7. R

    [Japanese] [131108][SIMPLE HOUSE] PrettySexyOrgasm [v14.01.16]

    Re: [131108][SIMPLE HOUSE] PrettySexyOrgasm [v14.01.16] [RJ123163] trojan detected: please reupload
  8. [REQUEST] [大往生] それは格闘ゲームなの

    [REQUEST] [大往生] それは格闘ゲームなの

    Original Title: それは格闘ゲームなの Release Date: 09/11/2015 Company, Producer, Circle: 大往生 DLsite link:
  9. [REQUEST] [SIMPLE HOUSE] PrettySexyOrgasm

    [REQUEST] [SIMPLE HOUSE] PrettySexyOrgasm

    dlsite link: There already exist threads but the links are all dead and they're all outdated (latest version on 2014/1/16)
  10. [REQUEST] THE NPC姦 V ~社畜だった俺、(以下略)~

    [REQUEST] THE NPC姦 V ~社畜だった俺、(以下略)~

    Original Title:THE NPC姦 V ~社畜だった俺、(以下略)~ Released Date: 2022-01-09 (last updated 2022-02-09) Circle: 二次元御殿 Link:
  11. R

    [Japanese] [191019][excess m] おねショタA-RPG 夢から醒めた亡者 (Ver1.20) [RJ264906]

    Re: [191019][excess m] おねショタA-RPG 夢から醒めた亡者 [RJ264906] Please update v1.10 new character and new weapon
  12. R

    RPG hentai games

    You mean like screwing homeless people, or playing a homeless character? Clare Bitch Project (Claire?) is a really old one in that kind of setting.
  13. R

    Tell me the Name of that Hentai

    Toriko no Kusari: Shojo-tachi o Yogosu Midara na Kusabi https://i. imgur .com /yTuJPif.png Full picture of what you posted (the name up there is a chinese sub group)
  14. R

    any good content (mangá/video/game/) that you bang a woman that hates/starts enjoying you?

    probably rape/mindbreak The japanese term should be 快楽堕ち
  15. R

    [Japanese] [180811][モフ屋] GARDEN (Ver1.18)[RJ220141]

    Re: [180811][モフ屋] GARDEN [RJ220141] Thanks edit: still says version 1.00, don't have any of the newer features (hint area)... so no different from original post download
  16. R

    Card Captor Sakura Is Back!

    I wonder why they still use the term Clow Cards when she turned them into Sakura cards in the original anime.