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  1. P

    What kind of stuff do you like?

    The Pregcess of Zeven....OFFICIAL ENGLISH TRANSLATION!!!!!!! It's almost here! :D
  2. P

    What kind of stuff do you dislike?

    When someone keeps their television on even though nobody watches!
  3. P

    Count the million back...~

  4. P

    Count to a million

    157807 :eek:
  5. P

    What game are you currently playing?

    Just bought minecraft so that's what I play. Also installed shaders and it looks really cool!! Another game I'm playing is The Pregcess of Zeven! Totally recommend that game!
  6. P

    What games have you bought recently?

    Uhmmmm....I bought Minecraft :whistle:
  7. P

    Question about the tsundere stereotype

    Some I really, really like are...: - Kirino from My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute ?? ^^ - Vegeta from Dragon Ball (Z/Super/GT) - Chitoge from Nisekoi I still know another one but I just can't manage to remember it. It has a male MC that has been summoned to a fantasy world. The female MC...
  8. P

    Looking for good Romance animes?

    Clannad (+afterstory)!!! I totally loved it!!
  9. P

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Guilty Crown!!! It's definitely worth a rewatch!! (my 3rd time atm :O )
  10. P

    [English] [ILLUSION] Koikatu! / Koikatsu! (コイカツ!) BetterRepack R9.3

    Thank you very much!!! I appreciate your hard work! I forgot how to add poses to Koikatu (not the studio) but HongFire with it's tutorial is down. I want to add the walking & running animation back to it! It was still there in R9.2 but now it's cleaned up but I still would love having it! I...