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  1. H

    Mr TradeWinds, Keep up the good work. I happen to have a request for 真・秘湯めぐりプラスアップ アペンドディスク版. I...

    Mr TradeWinds, Keep up the good work. I happen to have a request for 真・秘湯めぐりプラスアップ アペンドディスク版. I noticed that you have uploaded the cg version on your blog and here...
  2. [Request][2010-07-16]寝取られファイター ヤリっちんぐ!1, 2, &3

    [Request][2010-07-16]寝取られファイター ヤリっちんぐ!1, 2, &3

    Does anyone have the dvd-iso/bd-iso/HQ version (not the standard 200/300mb edition) for this animation? I am looking for all three episodes. Thanks in advance. (Prefer torrent or bitshare) Box set: Ep1: Ep2...
  3. H

    No, I totally understand your point, and support whatever you guys need to do in order to keep...

    No, I totally understand your point, and support whatever you guys need to do in order to keep up what you are doing. I also see that this got released early. Thank you and happy new year.
  4. H

    Good afternoon, sir. I want to thank you for your work. Keep up the good work! I just have a...

    Good afternoon, sir. I want to thank you for your work. Keep up the good work! I just have a quick question. Do you have a timeframe when the full game for 肉牝R30 ~肉欲に堕ちた牝たち~ will be released? Is it likely going to be this week or next week? Thank you.
  5. H

    [Japanese] [061127][WestVision] 爆乳ナース

    I am running windows 7 32 bit, and I am having the same problem. If anyone has tips/work-around, please share. Thank you in advance
  6. H

    [Hentai game] [131025] [D:drive.] ツゴウノイイ家族 + Update 1.1 [H-Game]

    Does anyone have a working noDvD patch/crack? Thanks.
  7. [Request] [101029][祭企画] 肉欲人妻

    [Request] [101029][祭企画] 肉欲人妻

    Released: 2010/10/29 Title: 肉欲人妻 Romaji: nikuyoku hitoduma Company: 祭企画 All the existing links on anime-sharing and other forums have expired. Any uploader will do (although I prefer bitshare (as i have a premium) and...
  8. H

    [Japanese] [[Request][060324][Riddle Soft]ZeBRa ~虜囚の館~

    Is it possible for you to upload to other hosting sites as well (it is kind of hard to download such a big file from ultramegabit)? Thank you!
  9. H

    [Japanese] (060324)[US][WU][FSN] ZeBRa~虜囚の館~

    Can you re-upload this one please?
  10. H

    Shinichi-kun, can you please reupload this game? Thank you and keep up the good work...

    Shinichi-kun, can you please reupload this game? Thank you and keep up the good work...
  11. H

    Your link and all the other links are the addentum version. Think you need to main game to run...

    Your link and all the other links are the addentum version. Think you need to main game to run it. Otherwise, it will just repeatedly crash. Thanks though.
  12. H

    [Japanese] [130426] [BISHOP] 牝教師3 ~淫悦の学舎~

    Can you please reupload? All your links got taken down.
  13. H

    Hi, if you have time, can you re-upload this: ai no katachi...

    Hi, if you have time, can you re-upload this: ai no katachi...
  14. H

    Thanks for your uploads! Keep up the good work!

    Thanks for your uploads! Keep up the good work!
  15. H

    Thank you very much!

    Thank you very much!
  16. H

    Hi, girlcelly-sama. Thank you for all your hard work uploading. I would like to request this...

    Hi, girlcelly-sama. Thank you for all your hard work uploading. I would like to request this game [ルネ] くのいち・咲夜「忍びし想いは恥辱に濡れて……」. Either torrent or direct download is fine. Thanks a lot in advance. Getchu link:
  17. H

    Hi, Thanks for uploading all these wonderful games. Can I request an re-seeding or direct...

    Hi, Thanks for uploading all these wonderful games. Can I request an re-seeding or direct links for a game you have posted before [ルネ] くのいち・咲夜「忍びし想いは恥辱に濡れて……」 初回限定版[060331]...
  18. H

    [Japanese] [120629][Luxury] 魔王のくせに生イキだっ! + 認証回避 & NoDVD Patch [2.39GB]

    Can you please upload the 認証回避 & NoDVD Patch as a separate file (with its own unique link separated from main game)? Thanks in advance.
  19. [100723][Maika]秘書 沙織

    [100723][Maika]秘書 沙織

    Can someone reupload (preferably on depositfiles, as i have premium) or reseed the game (if you are reseeding or find a torrent with good seeds, please post) ? All the DDL links i found were dead links. Thanks a lot. :D