Mr TradeWinds,
Keep up the good work. I happen to have a request for 真・秘湯めぐりプラスアップ アペンドディスク版. I noticed that you have uploaded the cg version on your blog and here...
Does anyone have the dvd-iso/bd-iso/HQ version (not the standard 200/300mb edition) for this animation? I am looking for all three episodes. Thanks in advance. (Prefer torrent or bitshare)
Box set:
No, I totally understand your point, and support whatever you guys need to do in order to keep up what you are doing.
I also see that this got released early. Thank you and happy new year.
Good afternoon, sir. I want to thank you for your work. Keep up the good work! I just have a quick question.
Do you have a timeframe when the full game for 肉牝R30 ~肉欲に堕ちた牝たち~ will be released?
Is it likely going to be this week or next week? Thank you.
Released: 2010/10/29
Title: 肉欲人妻
Romaji: nikuyoku hitoduma
Company: 祭企画
All the existing links on anime-sharing and other forums have expired. Any uploader will do (although I prefer bitshare (as i have a premium) and...
Your link and all the other links are the addentum version. Think you need to main game to run it. Otherwise, it will just repeatedly crash. Thanks though.
Hi, girlcelly-sama. Thank you for all your hard work uploading. I would like to request this game [ルネ] くのいち・咲夜「忍びし想いは恥辱に濡れて……」. Either torrent or direct download is fine. Thanks a lot in advance. Getchu link:
Thanks for uploading all these wonderful games.
Can I request an re-seeding or direct links for a game you have posted before
[ルネ] くのいち・咲夜「忍びし想いは恥辱に濡れて……」 初回限定版[060331]...
Can someone reupload (preferably on depositfiles, as i have premium) or reseed the game (if you are reseeding or find a torrent with good seeds, please post) ? All the DDL links i found were dead links. Thanks a lot. :D