Search results for query: *

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    [Japanese] ✨Shine✨[250124][あせろら] ドラゴンブラッド~竜の呪いと精液で神に復讐を誓うRPG~ (Ver1.20) [RJ01219535]

    Delete 3 files: 「anime.wolf」「BattleEffect.wolf」「BGM.wolf」 Then throw the patch in and overwrite all conflicting files. There's still random error pop ups here and there and also almost all the H-scenes after a certain point doesn't display cgs. It's not worth wasting time on this atm; should...
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    [Japanese] ✨Shine✨[250124][あせろら] ドラゴンブラッド~竜の呪いと精液で神に復讐を誓うRPG~ (Ver1.20) [RJ01219535]

    I had deleted them after patching and it was still giving errors. I patched over it again and it seems to be working.
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    [Japanese] ✨Shine✨[250124][あせろら] ドラゴンブラッド~竜の呪いと精液で神に復讐を誓うRPG~ (Ver1.20) [RJ01219535]

    Buggiest game I've ever seen; couldn't get past the tutorial because of errors. There's a 1.01 patch on the maker's cien page but it didn't help either.
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    [Hentai game] +++ [2021.12.31][WILD FLOWER] キメセク勇者 ~魔法のクスリで異世界陥落~

    Anyone else getting an animation missing error when re-entering the store?
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    [Hentai game] [RPG] [Jasmine] 人妻ソフィアの秘密の日記帳 / Wife Sophia's Secret Diary

    Can't tell if virus or false positive; not gonna risk it.
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    [Hentai game] [SLG] [黒い豚] 蛮族レジェンド Ver.2021.05.21

    Re: [SLG] [黒い豚] 蛮族レジェンド Just a warning, v1.0 of this game is so hard that it's borderline unplayable. Best wait for updates.
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    [Hentai game] [SLG] [サークル冥魅亭] 死神教団 ~淫森に呑まれた村セグルメット Ver.1.0.02

    fyi there's some issues with quest flags in 1.0.02, the updates are on the maker's cien blog.
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    [Hentai game] [New Release][200828][裸足少女] プリンセスハートリンク 剣姫たちの艶舞 パッケージ版 [3702M] (Drama CD & OP Collection & Region Crack Included)

    Don't use the crack files, don't use locale emulator. Literally open the Reallive.exe from the original installation then click cancel on the first "Japan only" pop-up then cancel again on the next popup.
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    [Hentai game] [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game] [Crack]

    Such a shame, there's like no reason to do NG+ in this.
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    [Hentai game] [RPG] [ジュッカクゲームス] フォーリン・ラビリンス -隷属の少女たち-

    Save often. This game likes to freeze when you open treasure chests.
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    [Hentai game] [RPG] [ONEONE1] 軋轢のイデオローグ / Ideology in Friction Ver.1.00

    Here's a save after the boss; had to skip the scene that happened afterwards though.
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    [Hentai game] ❀velka Bought Game❀ [190329] [WAFFLE] 変態エルフ姉妹と真面目オーク [H-Game]

    Too bad, there's a DLC scene that's locked behind official store purchase.
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    [Hentai game] [190222] [エウシュリー] 封緘のグラセスタ 伝説に謳われし英傑拡張パック [Update 1.03 is included] [H-Game]

    Here's full save for append 02 since neither sagaoz nor seiya-saiga had it. Boy that NG+ run was tedious.
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    [Hentai game] ❀velka Bought Game❀ [190222] [アストロノーツ・シリウス] ギルドマスター + Update 1.02 [H-Game]

    Game stops on a black screen for me after 1F boss. edit: I got past the black screen after reloading and redoing the fight 4 times.
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    [Hentai game] ❀velka Bought Game❀ [190125] [Fluorite] ソーサレス*アライヴ!~the World’s End Fallen Star~ + OST + Drama CD [H-Game] [Crack]

    Re: ❀velka Bought Game❀ [190125] [Fluorite] ソーサレス*アライヴ!~the World’s End Fallen Star~ + OST + Drama CD [H-Game] All the 100% saves posted online seem to be bugged with this version. I can see 95% of the CG mode unlocked but none of the scene replays.
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    [Hentai game] ❀velka Bought Game❀ [190125] [minori] その日の獣には、 豪華版 + Soundtrack + Tokuten [H-Game]

    That's not it. I registered and could download the torrent file, but it gave an error that said torrent is not valid bencoding something something.