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  1. larnkarn

    What game are you currently playing?

    Shin Megami Tensei 4A, going for the murder everything route then the friendship is magic route, loving so far that Cleopatra art
  2. larnkarn

    need help

    You better switch your locale settings to japanese, if for some reason you can´t switch on your main windows installation then create a partition and install another copy of windows then dual boot or use a virtual machine and set in either case the locale settings to full japanese and use Visual...
  3. larnkarn

    [Hentai game] [New Release][160826][戯画] BALDR HEART 初回限定版 [6925M] (Crack&OST付) (Weapon Girl x4 1.05 & Gold Skin Bonus Added)

    Re: [New Release][160826][戯画] BALDR HEART 初回限定版 [6925M] (Crack&OST付) (Weapon Girl x4 & Gold Skin Bonus Added) The 1.01 Crack works fine, just make sure to dissable your antivirus and make an exception in your antivirus for the game folder, mine was deleting the files since it was detecting a...
  4. larnkarn

    What game are you currently playing?

    Fire Emblem Fates got all versions current on hoshido path and X-Com 2 the RNG hates me in this game
  5. larnkarn

    H-game problem: EXE will not start

    This, if is not allowing you to go into administrator rigths, then windows is stoping the software from loading since the folder is considered Administrator rights only, try to install the game in other location, if you have multiple hard drive try in one where windows is not installed (Most of...
  6. larnkarn

    What game are you currently playing?

    Got a cheap copy of Growlanser Heritage of War and i am finding it no so interesting as Growlanser Wayfarer of Time, let's bear it for Sherris route
  7. larnkarn

    Error when try to luch a game

    AppLocale is not going to do the trick, set your system to full japanese locale Setting windows locale
  8. larnkarn

    Error when try to luch a game

    Looks like EAGLS system from Techarts games, is your system in full japanese locale?
  9. larnkarn

    H code help for ith(urgent)

    Mm the game is old, try VNR instead of ITH
  10. larnkarn

    A monitor program is blocking the launch of games. Please help.

    Mm i looked at the screenshot and tried to ocr the text and translate it and got a nonsense pharese "The reading circle in the boot of the q-only menu or Shi-sho 甜碓 limit cho 軌輯 decoration", but the boot word looks like copy protection to me like it is trying to read the cd/dvd protection, may i...
  11. larnkarn

    No, i am not in the US, so i have to wait around 3 or 4 extra weeks to get the game in my...

    No, i am not in the US, so i have to wait around 3 or 4 extra weeks to get the game in my country Mexico, at least i found a game shop where they import special editions other than gameplanet overpriced games
  12. larnkarn

    A monitor program is blocking the launch of games. Please help.

    Also post a screenshot of your installed software or a list of it, so we can help you to troubleshoot your issue. I have a hunch that it can be multiple AV software installed or unwanted software
  13. larnkarn

    Yeah, I like Tiki alot in awakening, also waiting for the the special edition of Fire Emblem Fates

    Yeah, I like Tiki alot in awakening, also waiting for the the special edition of Fire Emblem Fates
  14. larnkarn

    Princess Evangile installer is not working

    ERR 123 looks like the setup is pointing to a filename, or folder that does not exist or is damaged, try to copy all the files in the iso to your hard drive and try to install from there or get a new iso from a working copy of the game.
  15. larnkarn

    What game are you currently playing?

    back to Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS), Persona 4 (PS2) and Growlanser Wayfarer of Time (PSP)
  16. larnkarn

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Fate UBW and Macross Delta (Macross 7 meets Maho Shojo on steroids and we have the new milky dolls from macroos vf-x)
  17. larnkarn

    Two or more girls fall in love with one guy with drama, recommend please

    Watch Macross all of the series have at least on love triangle or more going on
  18. larnkarn

    What game are you currently playing?

    On PC: Tales of Zestiria, Vector Thrust (With Yukikaze Mods), Battlefield 4 On PS3: Macross 30 On 3DS: SMT Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker
  19. larnkarn

    What game are you currently playing?

    Got Fairy Fencer F on Steam, still going with Chrono Trigger, and joining MH4U hunts with friends from time to time