i tried with both vlc and MPC-HC and the same matter persist, and yeah its during normal play, i will try redownloading the file and see if its my files that are corrupted, thks for the quick reply :D
There's actually a few more of these glitches on eps 8...
btw i am using klite codec on windows media player
there's some minor problems with eps 04 at 8.27 and eps 08 at 16.19. There seem to be some minor glitches.. But my animechecker says the file's fine... or is there something wrong with my player? just some feedback on video quality :D
is there a 1080p version for THORA? or should i go for niizk version since they have 1080p too... but if i am not wrong normally THORA's video has the better video encode, please shed some light on this thks :D