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  1. Vast_Distance

    [English] Chrome Shelled Regios

  2. Vast_Distance

    [English] Sugar Dark

  3. Vast_Distance

    What game are you currently playing?

    Lately I've dusted off my old ps2 games, I got to play a lot of gundam battle assault 3 and some of those story missions are bloodthirsty lmao. I also got around to binding DDs 1 and 2, which was a pretty good experience but they could really use some QoL updates.
  4. Vast_Distance


    I found this place recently, so I figured I'd just say hi. I like to write and I'm learning to draw again.
  5. Vast_Distance

    What anime are you currently watching?

    I just sat down and watched "the scrapped princess" which turned out to be pretty good all things considered, then I watched "melody of oblivion" which is so surreal and out there, but I really like it a lot. I've mainly been keeping up with some seasonal shows otherwise.