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  1. Anie_Reichi★

    Ayakashi Gohan (あやかしごはん) Discussion Thread

    -Who's the first character route that you took? Suou, because.... I don't know..? My sister said that I have to play Human Route first before Ayakashi Route because Ayakashi Route contains a lot of spoilers from the "truth" of this game... -Who's your favorite character? Yomi because he is...
  2. Anie_Reichi★


  3. Anie_Reichi★

    What are you downloading right now?

    Nothing for now~ -w-) Still waiting for Dynamic Chord & Photograph Journey :puniko_stare:
  4. Anie_Reichi★

    Happy Holidays 2014

    Happy holidays for everyone :nyanmusu_cheer:
  5. Anie_Reichi★

    What game are you currently playing?

    Harvest Moon : Animal Parade (It's so hard to get gold ore.. :gokiko_white:)
  6. Anie_Reichi★

    What are you downloading right now?

    Prince Pia♥Carrot :nyanmusu_happy:
  7. Anie_Reichi★

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Gugure! Kokkuri-san! Episode 12
  8. Anie_Reichi★


  9. Anie_Reichi★

    The Anime Alphabet Game

    K - Kamigami no Asobi
  10. Anie_Reichi★

    Pass the bomb.... [FUN] xD

    8 --------- :gokiko_peek:
  11. Anie_Reichi★

    Keep One, Drop One

    fruit banana
  12. Anie_Reichi★

    Count to a million

    144318 :rolleyes:
  13. Anie_Reichi★

    What game are you currently playing?

    :gakuran_excited: At the moment, I'm playing The World Ends With You and Pokemon Conquest.... That's it :D
  14. Anie_Reichi★

    Weather !

    sunny and hot ... :toofhot:
  15. Anie_Reichi★


  16. Anie_Reichi★

    What are you downloading right now?

    Still same :rolleyes: : TYB Sweet Jelly Beans .. :whistle:
  17. Anie_Reichi★

    What time is it?

    08:35 am :)
  18. Anie_Reichi★

    What did you have for your breakfast this morning ?

    Instant Ramen :rolleyes:
  19. Anie_Reichi★

    What time do you wake up?

    06:06 am :)