Title: おしおき日報 アリス編
Romaji: Oshioki nippō arisu hen
Brand: seismic
Release: 2011/04/25
File size: 416MB
Genre: 動画作品
dlsite: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ071749.html
I can not seem to find a working download link for this OVA...
Original Title - 碧眼の双騎士フェリルとリリカ
Romaji - Hekigan no Soukishi Feril to Ririka
Release Date - 2009-07-24 Hekigan no Soukishi Feril to Ririka - First Press Edition
2010-01-15 Hekigan no Soukishi Feril to Ririka - Download Edition
Developer - Vanadis
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