幼なじみは大統領 My girlfriend is the PRESIDENT. ファンディスク
Official Title: 幼なじみは大統領 My girlfriend is the PRESIDENT. ファンディスク
- Release : 2010/08/13
- Company: ALcot
- Language: Japanese
- File Data: 931MB ( Game Disc: mdf+mds+rr3% )
- Compression Format: part1.rar~part3.rar
- Romaji: Osananajimi ha...
[100827][Whirlpool] 涼風のメルト -Where wishes are drawn to each other- + 特典 + NoDVD Patch [4.26GB]
涼風のメルト -Where wishes are drawn to each other- + 特典 + NoDVDパッチ
Official Title: 涼風のメルト -Where wishes are drawn to each other-
- Release : 2010/08/27
- Company: Whirlpool
- Language: Japanese
- File...