like the title said...could anyone recommend me animes with a cool/bad ass protag?
i'm getting tired with all weak, sissy, indecisive main character that many anime have nowadays
they don't have to be overpowered,,but at least calm, cool and a little funny maybe^^
A very nice and recommended touhou album~ it has a light disco sort of rythm that doesn't feel overused. It goes from soft beats to some other relaxing sounds. You can also get this in lossless if you want from
Just look for the publisher and then the date <3
The four year wait since Evisbeats' last successful release that even managed to run out of print is finally over! Evisbeats, an emcee and talented producer finally drops his latest album Hitsotsu ni naru toki, following his 2008 hit release Amida. Evisbeats' style is one that is...