file hosting

  1. [Request] [Momoiro Gekijou] 夢みるエゴイスト/Yume Miru Egoist

    [Request] [Momoiro Gekijou] 夢みるエゴイスト/Yume Miru Egoist

    Original Title: 夢みるエゴイスト Romaji: Yume Miru Egoist Rlease date: 2010-05-28 Company: Momoiro Gekijou Getchu link: VNDB link: So hello everyone, I come here once again with another request (this being my second request...
  2. tymek88

    The best File Hosting for free users?

    I'm looking for a good and reliable hosting for free users friendly. - fast DL for free users (~300 - 400 KB/s) - files DL/UP up to 1 GB - inactive files deleted after 30 - 90 days (for premium - never) In other words, something like mediafire or zippy share, but with the possibility of adding...