
  1. YASKA - Happening! / YASKA - ハプニング!

    [Japanese] YASKA - Happening! / YASKA - ハプニング!

    Happening! | ハプニング! Author: YASKA | YASKA Type: Hentai Manga (Original) Language: Japanese Pages: 196 Resolution: 1081×1600 Format: jpg Color: Colorless Size: 152 MB http://freakshare.com/files/1j50vq37/YASKA__Happening.rar.html http://uploaded.net/file/yb87uocp/YASKA__Happening.rar :rolleyes:
  2. Perplexing

    What do you feel will happen if we lost our technology?

    Lets face it in this day in age technology reigns supreme. I mean who would have thought 10 years ago that we could control virtually every piece of hardware via a smart phone? Sure we had the sci fi shows that made these ideals that numerous people have acted upon thus creating such wonderful...