
  1. darknessblade

    How to custom build a computer

    How to custom build a computer *complete with tuturial* hello, For those who always wanted a custom PC, but did not know what to pick / what to use. thats the reason i'm making this threat. the main requirements are: 1 a motherboard 2 a CPU ****** 3 a graphic card (optional) * 4 DDR3...
  2. Checkmate

    Help Anime-Sharing to Combat SPAM

    In recent months we've seen a sharp increase in spambot registrations. While ten-thousands of them already failed at the door, around one percent managed to make it through and attempted to post. Luckily we have a secondary defense mechanism that kept our members from ever seeing those posts...
  3. nanashi1

    Para-Sol: Walkthroughs

    Could I ask who give Nodoka-way? I have tried in many different ways to continue to play it, but I could not play its full length.