so I've been all over the internet but I don't know which sites are safe, and when I mean safe I don't just mean for viewing I mean whether it's safe to download or even save a single image from them with catching a virus malware. Please note that 5 of the sites I'm about to list are sites where...
Requesting a pair of CG/CG Doujin H-Manga sets that have a connected story. The art is great and reminds me a lot of Mizuho Kazami from Onegai! Teacher. Found at most one old incomplete download out there and it's premium-locked too so requesting these here from the kind souls out there.
Artist/Circle: 踊り子愛好会 (Odoriko Aikoukai)
Series: 踊り子娼館~童貞の俺が踊り子のお姉さんにガチ恋してしまった話 Series:
Name: 踊り子娼館~童貞の俺が踊り子のお姉さんにガチ恋してしまった話(上) (First Half)
Note: Requesting as I can't find a share. I tried buying it myself but it seems my...
Requesting 3 of the artist works in one thread
Name 1: 妄想オロチ伝
Name 2: 妄想ハザード3 NEVERESCAPE
Name 3: 妄想ハザード4NIGHTMARE