
  1. ~SnowAngel~

    Answered Image Hosting/Linking?

    I've found out on my own that I can directly link an image without uploading it. (using ) However, I don't know how to wrap it into a spoiler without making it a url link or text. In other words, I want to show a picture using the "IMG" code, but also make it a spoiler. How would I do multiple...
  2. Ruyzan

    parts or torrent

    which one do you prefer well for me torrent cause i don't got that good speed
  3. Tsubame

    My Experience and Opinion with DIPPIC ( an Image Hosting Company

    Hello people, I'd like to share some of my experience with some hosting image company called DIPPIC ( I know there's a lot of people who like sharing and posting their image and got some earning from several of image hosting that paid, so i'm.. When the first time i...