Gojo Testsuya visited his distant related aunt, Kojin Rikka, to borrow money for the operation of Utsumi Ayaka. She is his childhood friend, and she took care of him like his sister. However, in return for lending money, Rikka ordered him to take beautiful women into the house to train them as...
Title: Rakuen ~Ai Kawarazu na Boku no Baii~
Original Title: らくえん~あいかわらずなぼく。の場合~
Release Date: 2004-06-25
Language: Japanese
Developer: TerraLunar
Getchu: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=27410
Size: 1GB
VNDB: http://vndb.org/v5609
After being arrested for the murder of a fellow student, the protagonist escapes from custody when the police car he's in has an accident. Knowing he will one day be caught again, he decides to spend what little time he has in freedom to try and return a handkerchief.
Title: Carnival...