
  1. ~SnowAngel~

    (#^.^#) What kind of person do you think is more approachable?

    Pick one or the other for every 2 options~ Talk about what you think makes it that way. The different options are endless~ but I'll put a few up for some major ones. Why do you think certain people are more approachable than others? Why is it easier to become a friend of theirs rather than...
  2. ~SnowAngel~


    This is going to be something that is a little more creative~ Just make an "if" statement, and ask a question based on that or something related. The next person will answer the question. Several people after the first can answer the question too if they use quotes~ Try to go between being...
  3. ~SnowAngel~

    What creeps you out?

    I don't mean things that just scare you, I mean situations or people that make you feel disturbed. (example: stalkers that are in love with you. Special attention from guys, etc.) (As a precaution:) If there is someone who has said something that applies to you, do not take it seriously...