
  1. tadams587

    [request] help in Restoring pc's ability to view vids/porn at mid to high sound in browser, and offline viewing.

    does anybody know of an chrome extension or additional software that will force audio to play louder. Its happening again…the ads on porn sites of cam girl sites have gotten 40-60 percent loader in my headphones, and the actual content on sites like pornhub have gotten 50-70 percent quieter...
  2. Kifflom_Worshipper

    Copying and pasting into new laptop

    Basically, I got myself a new laptop (Lenovo Ideapad Flex 5), and decided to move my games and porns to it. The issue is that none of my games worked, and it’d be a hassle to re-download all of ‘em, so I wonder if there’s something I gotta do. Specifically, I need something to open my games...