
  1. Honey Select 1 mods to Honey Select 2, possible?

    Honey Select 1 mods to Honey Select 2, possible?

    Hi guys, just wondering if there is going to be dedicated HS2 modding thread? can mods from HS1 be imported to HS2? and if so, do we just drug and drop as i understanding the mod loading system has changed between 1 and 2? thanks
  2. T

    Texture Bleeding Issues with Unity Modding

    So I'm currently translating this game. but I'm having an issue with getting the textures to display properly in game. The texture for this one is supposed to look like this: But instead I get this: For the record I know...
  3. F

    [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) Newbie Flashk1ll's Resource & Guides

    Preface Been here (HF) since AG3 but I was never good enough to do my own mods. I've always created tons AG3 characters and probably only shared a few privately. For those that did, I still remember you guys and even though I lost almost all my AG3 characters due to raid failure and afk Hard...