
  1. P

    MSN,Cellphone,AIM & Skype...

    If you want make some friends leave your MSN (Or other way to talk like Skype or AIM) address here. My MSN address is [email protected] (I use MSN all the time) My Skype address is myke.nogueira11 My Number is: +552179369431 ;)
  2. Stigia

    LOL.. how many ppl dont have a Facebook.. an whythey dont have it?

    i guess one reason of why i don't have a Facebook account is 1.- i don't like it 2.- lol this post never exist 3.- Any one can have a FB page, but not all the ppl who have my interest will be in AS forum. 4.- Love forums XD maybe am wrong.. but if you want my attention just ask for my msn or...