
  1. [101126][Journey] なないろ航路

    [Japanese] [101126][Journey] なないろ航路

    なないろ航路 Nanairo Kouro Release: 2010-11-26 Developer: Journey Getchu: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=684854 File size: 2.47 GB MexaShare: https://www.mexashare.com/58nhngymmjfr/Nanairo_Kouro.part1.rar.html...
  2. [101126][Journey] なないろ航路

    [Japanese] [101126][Journey] なないろ航路

    Sakuta is quite hard done by at the moment - his parents have left the country so he is currently homeless. One day, he is walking down the street when he feels something wet fall onto him, looking up, a young girl named Enishi falls onto him too. Enishi claims to be an apprentice goddess of...