
  1. Shisaye

    [Translations] [English][SLR MTL]Romance of Fantasy[RJ071772]

    Here's a SLRMTL for v1.55. This is running on old VX, expect problems, save often. Potential Issues: If at any point after a screen transition the game seems to permanently darken, do not save, and report it to me. That is a common issue with automated VX/Ace stuff and once I know where it...
  2. [110430][キューピッドアイス] Romance of Fantasy

    [Japanese] [110430][キューピッドアイス] Romance of Fantasy

    Title: Romance of Fantasy / ロマンス・オブ・ファンタジー Company: キューピッドアイス Release: 2011/04/30 Size: 142MB ( + 5% Recovery ) Info: Screenshot: Download: Uploaded: BitShare: Freakshare: Uploadable: