sex 2 sex

  1. sunflower

    Over power CPU + suck ball GPU? What the hell?

    Every time I shopped around for a decent pre-built gaming machine, I usually came across this kind of system configuration: take Compusa for example, they are having a discount for Acer and Nyx system for less than 1k, the CPU for both machine is i7, 8GB RAM, 1TB to 1.5 TB HDD sound good? yes...
  2. sunflower

    Do you own a gun?

    In a response to the "Gun Control" ad, I was wondering how many of you guys actualy own a gun(s). If so, what do you own? My /k/ folder is always accepting new pictures, so post them if you got them! Personally I own a Marlin 60 and a Pheonix Arms HP22 (both are chamber in .22lr). However, I'm...
  3. sunflower

    ??? Your favorite 13+ Cartoon aka Family Guy, South Park etc.

    Which show is your favorite? For me it would be Futurama considering the following: Family Guy: Downhill ever since season 6? I mean nowadays they rely on sudden shock like Peter ripping his face off...I WAS EATING!!! Simpsons: It over-lived its life expectancy. American Dad: Never been good...