
  1. sunflower

    HP D530 SFF PSU Problem + Epic FAIL

    I finally found the video my ex-boss told me about. But before I link the video, a little back history: Last year, I worked in a warehouse that either refurbished computer equipment or recycled them. During my tenure there, we worked with all types of PCs and a few Macs that did roll into the...
  2. sunflower

    Do you own a gun?

    In a response to the "Gun Control" ad, I was wondering how many of you guys actualy own a gun(s). If so, what do you own? My /k/ folder is always accepting new pictures, so post them if you got them! Personally I own a Marlin 60 and a Pheonix Arms HP22 (both are chamber in .22lr). However, I'm...