
  1. Anayomex

    [LPW #106] hmm... Hot summer...?

    Well, nothing special except that is too [hl-blue]As usual rules for the LPW are:[/hl-blue] Insignificant spam (staff discretion applies) is not accepted. Chit chat is allowed Quoting quotes - quotes within quotes, or quote-ception - is not allowed. Double, triple posting and so on are...
  2. Anayomex

    [LPW #89] “We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public.”

    Finally won a LPW after a short long time. :fulfilled: Rules: Insignificant spam (staff discretion applies) is not accepted. Chit chatting is allowed. Quoting quotes is not allowed. Double posting is not allowed. The user making the 2379 post can make a new LPW or pass on the honor to...