This game is the continuation to the Chu×Chu Idol series, consisting of a main story and an if story. In the main story, the now popular idol ChuChu is preparing for her new concert when three people showed up from the future, including the main heroine of Chu×Chu Idol 2, Chuuno! The two...
[110922] [ユニゾンシフト・アクセント] Chu×Chu! on the move~絢爛時空の歌姫祭(フェスティバル)~ 初回豪華特典版 + Tokuten + Drama CD + NoDVD + HD H-movie Disk [7.31GB] [6+5Parts]
Japanese Title:
(18禁ゲーム) [110922] [ユニゾンシフト・アクセント] Chu×Chu! on the move~絢爛時空の歌姫祭(フェスティバル)~ 初回豪華特典版 (iso+mds rr3)
(18禁ゲーム) [110922]...