[English] ☄️RELEASE☄️[231102][2635340][snappixgames] yahtzee girl [v24.02.08 JP/CN/EN/Etc.]


Elite Member
Dec 11, 2021

Title / タイトル: yahtzee girl
Brand / ブランド: snappixgames
Release / 販売日: 2023/11/02
File size / ファイル容量: 554.98 MB
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小型更新 / 更新註記
2月8日 週四
Two improvements


1.How to bypass the game crashing when you take off your clothes during the game

Please disable the stripping effect in the settings window while the game is in progress.
It only appears on the game screen. I can't find it anywhere else, such as on the main screen.

I guessed why
If the timing of the game turning off is when the character takes off his clothes, I think the effect that activates at that moment might be a problem.
It's not a perfect solution, but I hope disabling it will resolve the issue.

2. The opponent yahtzee appears abnormally often.

The value is determined by collisions as the dice physically rotate and fall, and it was suspected that a certain pattern existed in this.
By changing the logic of the dice, we have modified it so that there is no pattern.
Now, your opponent will acquire Yahtzee less often.

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