Title: Otori Sousakan Aoyama Yuuka wa Ame no Ryoukoku ni Iru -Tokubetsu Hen- Saigo no Sai [Digital] /
囮捜査官蒼山夕歌は雨の両国にいる~特別編~最後の砦 [DL版] Circle/Artist: Hotel New Mememe / ホテルニューメメメ Pages: 82 Size: 69 MB
Type: Doujinshi Language: Japanese Release Date: 2024/11/03
Hello, Ryzen. You've got the latest version of this? Just asking, coz it'd be great if you do. It has additional contents and bug fixes 逆夢のメナスフィア to v25.01.24 (v1.11)