Can you fix and re-upload all volumes of [城戸みつる] カワイスギクライシス 第01-08巻 because the download links for Katfile isn't working anymore? I tried to download the current volume through Katfile, but it leads to an error. Thank you very much!
Thank you for the re-uploads, but when I tried to download it in Katfile, it doesn't work anymore, which is very frustrated that I have wasted it for days. Can you fix all Katfile links once again to make them work because it feels like the link has been expired for no reason. Thank you very much!
Here are the files that its Katfile links aren't working anymore:
Starting this week, I’ll return to my usual schedule:
• Uploading 2 or sometimes 3 CDs once a week (including 1-2 requests).
• Updates will be posted either on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday.
Hello, Happy new year!
Could you re-upload the dead link of this? Please.アストロラーベ-カリスマ(アマチュア)カメラマン-シュンが行く!コスプレ少女2bちゃん編.1054379/