[Ongoing] 昔勇者で今は骨 第01-06巻 [Mukashi Yusha de Ima wa Hone vol 01-06]


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Elite Member
Oct 14, 2018

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Title: 昔勇者で今は骨 第01-06巻 [Mukashi Yusha de Ima wa Hone vol 01-06]
Other title: (一般コミック)[内々けやき×佐伯庸介×白狼] 昔勇者で今は骨; 昔勇者で今は骨; Mukashi Yusha de Ima wa Hone; 世界を滅ぼす魔王との戦いで瀕死の重傷を負った勇者アルヴィス。; 最後の手段・死霊術までも使って魔王を倒すが、; 本人は…スケルトンになっちゃった!?; 魔王が倒された後の世界で、それでも助けを求める人はいる。; 骨になっても心は勇者!; コツコツ世界を救っちゃう(※骨だけに)。; お気楽異世界ファンタジー待望の第6巻。; 堕屍王セッケルを倒し、王都へとやって来たアル一行。; その王都では謎の幽霊騒動が巻き起こっていた。; セッケルに滅ぼされたエンデ村の生き残りハルベルの; 死霊術士としての修行を助けながら、; 王都の問題もコツコツと調査するアルーー。; 結界に守られているはずの王都に侵入する死霊の、まさかの正体とは…!?; 本編以外にも、; 短編集『昔勇者で今は骨 小骨集』から2本をコミカライズ。
Status: Ongoing
Author: SAEKI Yousuke
Language: JP
Des: ...

Mukashi Yusha de Ima wa Hone v01-02s.rar: rapidgator.net | katfile.com | mexa.sh | kingdomfiles.com | uploaded.net
Mukashi Yusha de Imawa v01-02s.rar: rapidgator.net | katfile.com | mexa.sh | kingdomfiles.com | uploaded.net
Mukashi Yusha de Imawa v01.rar: rapidgator.net | katfile.com | mexa.sh | kingdomfiles.com | uploaded.net
Mukashi Yusha de Imawa v02.rar: rapidgator.net | katfile.com | mexa.sh | kingdomfiles.com | uploaded.net
Mukashi Yusha de Imawa v01-02.rar: rapidgator.net | katfile.com | mexa.sh | kingdomfiles.com | uploaded.net
Mukashi Yusha de Imawa v04-05s.rar: rapidgator.net | katfile.com | mexa.sh | kingdomfiles.com | uploaded.net
Mukashi Yusha de Imawa v03.rar: rapidgator.net | katfile.com | mexa.sh | kingdomfiles.com | uploaded.net
Mukashi Yusha de Imawa v04-06.rar: rapidgator.net | katfile.com | mexa.sh | kingdomfiles.com | uploaded.net
Mukashi Yusha de Imawa v03s.rar: kingdomfiles.com | rapidgator.net | mexa.sh | katfile.com

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momoka1919 wrote on Shine's profile.
Please upload.
Haiskor wrote on Shine's profile.
hey shine.
any chance you could reupload this
thanks in advance.
leverion21x wrote on Shine's profile.
hello, sorry for the trouble, but can you reupload mexashare for :
RJ403619 [220730][aoharu fetishism] Earnest Love Pussy Therapy (English) [RJ403619]
thanks in advance
tmpss92339 wrote on Shine's profile.
Could you reupload the following two topics?


the second topic is too long, but I had PM you the second topic.

You noted that I should PM you to get the source, but there seems to be no reply.
I would be happy if you can tell how to get the source. (I have already noted the filehost.)
supstring wrote on Ryzen111's profile.