[Album] [121128] BLACK WOLVES SAGA Original Sound Track plus Drama (162MB+147MB) [MP3]

Title: BLACK WOLVES SAGA Original Sound Track plus Drama
Title: BLACK WOLVES SAGA Original Sound Track plus Drama
Catalog Number: REC-026
Release Date: November 28th, 2012 (2012年11月28日)
Amazon co.jp page: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B009D9T9W4/
vgmdb: http://vgmdb.net/album/33890
Classification: Original Soundtrack et Drama (two CD's)
Genre: Game OST, Otome game, Instrument, Drama
Published by Rejet
Rejet page: ht tp://rejetweb.jp/bws/sound/cd02/
Sound prodeced by: 光田康典 Mitsuda Yasunori (プロキオンスタジオ Procyon Studio)
:: http://www.procyon-studio.com/
Music composed by: 土屋俊輔 & 亀岡夏海 Tsuchiya Shunsuke et Kameoka Natsumi
Performed by:
Related Media: PC et PSP games:
Black Wolves Saga Bloody Night et Last Hope
:: ht tp://rejetweb.jp/bws/
Produced by: Rejet

Audio format: MP3
Channels: 2
Compression level: 320 kbps (CBR: Constant Bitrate, maybe)
Originally ripped and converted by "Anonymous" ("unknown")

CD1: Black-Wolves-Saga-Disk1-Original-Sound-Track (158MB)
CD2: Black-Wolves-Saga-Disk2-Bloody-Nightmare-Another-Story (142MB)

File : elm file
File size:
elm-file 1 RAR (162MB) including 5 pc rr
elm-file 2 RAR (147MB) uncluding 5 pc rr

The List of Tracks [Japanese]


01. 黒き狼の伝承
02. ウェブリンの傷跡
03. ウェブリンの傷跡 (Extra Version)
04. 狂狼病ゾディバ
05. 毒牙
06. 呪われしもの達
07. 届かぬ祈り
08. 届かぬ祈り (Extra Version)
09. 蔓延する謎
10. 一滴の灯り
11. 妖炎
12. 襲撃
13. 赦されざる怒り
14. 悲哀
15. 温かいスープみたいだね
16. 審判の刻
17. 希望
18. Dear Despair (Extra Version)
19. 陽気なる酒精たち
20. 黎明の月
21. Tears (Extra Version)


DISK 2 - Drama

01. Bloody Nightmare
02. 誰もいなくなった塔
03. 狼たちの悲鳴
04. 狼狩り
05. 出会い
06. 万魔殿
07. 狂った白猫
08. 我が同胞を救う為に
09. 万魔殿の中で
10. 狼種の長
11. ラスの深層心理
12. 白猫達の遊戯
13. ウェブリンの騎士
14. トラウマ
15. 家族の思い
16. 白猫王子達の思い
17. 血塗られた企み
18. 狼と人との許されざる愛

The List of Tracks [Romanization by mildis]


01 Kuroki Ookami no Denshou 3:21
02 Weblin no Kizuato 3:10
03 Weblin no Kizuato (Extra Version) 2:46
04 Kyouroubyou Zodiva 3:00
05 Dokuga 2:03
06 Norowareshi Mono-tachi 2:33
07 Todokanu Inori 2:16
08 Todokanu Inori (Extra Version) 2:40
09 Man'en-suru Nazo 3:27
10 Itteki no Akari 5:38
11 Youen 3:33
12 Shuugeki 2:14
13 Yurusarezaru Ikari 2:50
14 Hiai 3:04
15 Atatakai Soup mitai da ne 4:49
16 Shinpan no Toki 3:09
17 Kibou 5:10
18 Dear Despair (Extra Version) 1:52
19 Youki naru Shusei-tachi 3:09
20 Reimei no Tsuki 3:03
21 Tears (Extra Version) 5:13

Disc length 69:00


DISK 2 - Drama (Bloody Nightmae Another Story)

01 Bloody Nightmare 3:14
02 Dare mo Inakunatta Tou 3:50
03 Ookami-tachi no Himei 0:31
04 Ookami-gari 2:18
05 Deai 2:58
06 Banmaden 3:14
07 Kurutta Shironeko 2:43
08 Waga Douhou wo Suku'u tameni 0:52
09 Banmaden no Naka de 7:02
10 WOLF [Ookami-shu] no Osa 0:42
11 Rath no Shinsou Shinri 5:14
12 Shironeko-tachi no Yuugi 4:10
13 Weblin no Kishi 3:52
14 Torauma 2:52
15 Kazoku no Omoi 8:27
16 Shironeko-Ouji-tachi no Omoi 3:57
17 Chinurareta Takurami 1:39
18 Ookami to Hito tono Yurusarezaru Ai 4:35

Disc length 62:10

Cast in Drama

梶 裕貴 Kaji Yuuki as Rath (ラス)
櫻井孝宏 Sakurai Takahiro as (メヨーヨ)
吉野裕行 Yoshino Hiroyuki as (オージェ)
三木眞一郎 Miki Shin'ichirou as (ネッソ)
石田 彰 Ishida Akira as (ザラ)
森川智之 Morikawa Toshiyuki as (アルル)

The DL Links below are only for the registered members of the AS.
Please do not copy the DL links and pass, and do not post them in the other places such as other forums etc.

Download Link: Mediafire
Download Link: MEGA

***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***

If there is any problem (DL link dead etc.), ask me in VM or via PM.

[edit 1]: Correction of images urls on April 26, 2018

_ mrd [/COLOR]

Thank you.
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Reactions: mildis
Since it's been so long since the original post, and OP may no longer be active; I've made a mirror for these. I realize what is asked in the post, but mirrors are important for preservation in case the original ever goes down. Please let me know if it needs a re-upload at any point.

Both discs in one zip below, no password.

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Title: BLACK WOLVES SAGA Original Sound Track plus Drama
Title: BLACK WOLVES SAGA Original Sound Track plus Drama
Catalog Number: REC-026
Release Date: November 28th, 2012 (2012年11月28日)
Amazon co.jp page: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B009D9T9W4/
vgmdb: http://vgmdb.net/album/33890
Classification: Original Soundtrack et Drama (two CD's)
Genre: Game OST, Otome game, Instrument, Drama
Published by Rejet
Rejet page: ht tp://rejetweb.jp/bws/sound/cd02/
Sound prodeced by: 光田康典 Mitsuda Yasunori (プロキオンスタジオ Procyon Studio)
:: http://www.procyon-studio.com/
Music composed by: 土屋俊輔 & 亀岡夏海 Tsuchiya Shunsuke et Kameoka Natsumi
Performed by:
Related Media: PC et PSP games:
Black Wolves Saga Bloody Night et Last Hope
:: ht tp://rejetweb.jp/bws/
Produced by: Rejet

Audio format: MP3
Channels: 2
Compression level: 320 kbps (CBR: Constant Bitrate, maybe)
Originally ripped and converted by "Anonymous" ("unknown")

CD1: Black-Wolves-Saga-Disk1-Original-Sound-Track (158MB)
CD2: Black-Wolves-Saga-Disk2-Bloody-Nightmare-Another-Story (142MB)

File : elm file
File size:
elm-file 1 RAR (162MB) including 5 pc rr
elm-file 2 RAR (147MB) uncluding 5 pc rr

The List of Tracks [Japanese]


01. 黒き狼の伝承
02. ウェブリンの傷跡
03. ウェブリンの傷跡 (Extra Version)
04. 狂狼病ゾディバ
05. 毒牙
06. 呪われしもの達
07. 届かぬ祈り
08. 届かぬ祈り (Extra Version)
09. 蔓延する謎
10. 一滴の灯り
11. 妖炎
12. 襲撃
13. 赦されざる怒り
14. 悲哀
15. 温かいスープみたいだね
16. 審判の刻
17. 希望
18. Dear Despair (Extra Version)
19. 陽気なる酒精たち
20. 黎明の月
21. Tears (Extra Version)


DISK 2 - Drama

01. Bloody Nightmare
02. 誰もいなくなった塔
03. 狼たちの悲鳴
04. 狼狩り
05. 出会い
06. 万魔殿
07. 狂った白猫
08. 我が同胞を救う為に
09. 万魔殿の中で
10. 狼種の長
11. ラスの深層心理
12. 白猫達の遊戯
13. ウェブリンの騎士
14. トラウマ
15. 家族の思い
16. 白猫王子達の思い
17. 血塗られた企み
18. 狼と人との許されざる愛

The List of Tracks [Romanization by mildis]


01 Kuroki Ookami no Denshou 3:21
02 Weblin no Kizuato 3:10
03 Weblin no Kizuato (Extra Version) 2:46
04 Kyouroubyou Zodiva 3:00
05 Dokuga 2:03
06 Norowareshi Mono-tachi 2:33
07 Todokanu Inori 2:16
08 Todokanu Inori (Extra Version) 2:40
09 Man'en-suru Nazo 3:27
10 Itteki no Akari 5:38
11 Youen 3:33
12 Shuugeki 2:14
13 Yurusarezaru Ikari 2:50
14 Hiai 3:04
15 Atatakai Soup mitai da ne 4:49
16 Shinpan no Toki 3:09
17 Kibou 5:10
18 Dear Despair (Extra Version) 1:52
19 Youki naru Shusei-tachi 3:09
20 Reimei no Tsuki 3:03
21 Tears (Extra Version) 5:13

Disc length 69:00


DISK 2 - Drama (Bloody Nightmae Another Story)

01 Bloody Nightmare 3:14
02 Dare mo Inakunatta Tou 3:50
03 Ookami-tachi no Himei 0:31
04 Ookami-gari 2:18
05 Deai 2:58
06 Banmaden 3:14
07 Kurutta Shironeko 2:43
08 Waga Douhou wo Suku'u tameni 0:52
09 Banmaden no Naka de 7:02
10 WOLF [Ookami-shu] no Osa 0:42
11 Rath no Shinsou Shinri 5:14
12 Shironeko-tachi no Yuugi 4:10
13 Weblin no Kishi 3:52
14 Torauma 2:52
15 Kazoku no Omoi 8:27
16 Shironeko-Ouji-tachi no Omoi 3:57
17 Chinurareta Takurami 1:39
18 Ookami to Hito tono Yurusarezaru Ai 4:35

Disc length 62:10

Cast in Drama

梶 裕貴 Kaji Yuuki as Rath (ラス)
櫻井孝宏 Sakurai Takahiro as (メヨーヨ)
吉野裕行 Yoshino Hiroyuki as (オージェ)
三木眞一郎 Miki Shin'ichirou as (ネッソ)
石田 彰 Ishida Akira as (ザラ)
森川智之 Morikawa Toshiyuki as (アルル)


The DL Links below are only for the registered members of the AS.

Please do not copy the DL links and pass, and do not post them in the other places such as other forums etc.

Download Link: Mediafire
Download Link: MEGA

[Hidden content]

If there is any problem (DL link dead etc.), ask me in VM or via PM.

[edit 1]: Correction of images urls on April 26, 2018

_ mrd [/COLOR]
thank you ^^

Title: BLACK WOLVES SAGA Original Sound Track plus Drama
Title: BLACK WOLVES SAGA Original Sound Track plus Drama
Catalog Number: REC-026
Release Date: November 28th, 2012 (2012年11月28日)
Amazon co.jp page: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B009D9T9W4/
vgmdb: http://vgmdb.net/album/33890
Classification: Original Soundtrack et Drama (two CD's)
Genre: Game OST, Otome game, Instrument, Drama
Published by Rejet
Rejet page: ht tp://rejetweb.jp/bws/sound/cd02/
Sound prodeced by: 光田康典 Mitsuda Yasunori (プロキオンスタジオ Procyon Studio)
:: http://www.procyon-studio.com/
Music composed by: 土屋俊輔 & 亀岡夏海 Tsuchiya Shunsuke et Kameoka Natsumi
Performed by:
Related Media: PC et PSP games:
Black Wolves Saga Bloody Night et Last Hope
:: ht tp://rejetweb.jp/bws/
Produced by: Rejet

Audio format: MP3
Channels: 2
Compression level: 320 kbps (CBR: Constant Bitrate, maybe)
Originally ripped and converted by "Anonymous" ("unknown")

CD1: Black-Wolves-Saga-Disk1-Original-Sound-Track (158MB)
CD2: Black-Wolves-Saga-Disk2-Bloody-Nightmare-Another-Story (142MB)

File : elm file
File size:
elm-file 1 RAR (162MB) including 5 pc rr
elm-file 2 RAR (147MB) uncluding 5 pc rr

The List of Tracks [Japanese]


01. 黒き狼の伝承
02. ウェブリンの傷跡
03. ウェブリンの傷跡 (Extra Version)
04. 狂狼病ゾディバ
05. 毒牙
06. 呪われしもの達
07. 届かぬ祈り
08. 届かぬ祈り (Extra Version)
09. 蔓延する謎
10. 一滴の灯り
11. 妖炎
12. 襲撃
13. 赦されざる怒り
14. 悲哀
15. 温かいスープみたいだね
16. 審判の刻
17. 希望
18. Dear Despair (Extra Version)
19. 陽気なる酒精たち
20. 黎明の月
21. Tears (Extra Version)


DISK 2 - Drama

01. Bloody Nightmare
02. 誰もいなくなった塔
03. 狼たちの悲鳴
04. 狼狩り
05. 出会い
06. 万魔殿
07. 狂った白猫
08. 我が同胞を救う為に
09. 万魔殿の中で
10. 狼種の長
11. ラスの深層心理
12. 白猫達の遊戯
13. ウェブリンの騎士
14. トラウマ
15. 家族の思い
16. 白猫王子達の思い
17. 血塗られた企み
18. 狼と人との許されざる愛

The List of Tracks [Romanization by mildis]


01 Kuroki Ookami no Denshou 3:21
02 Weblin no Kizuato 3:10
03 Weblin no Kizuato (Extra Version) 2:46
04 Kyouroubyou Zodiva 3:00
05 Dokuga 2:03
06 Norowareshi Mono-tachi 2:33
07 Todokanu Inori 2:16
08 Todokanu Inori (Extra Version) 2:40
09 Man'en-suru Nazo 3:27
10 Itteki no Akari 5:38
11 Youen 3:33
12 Shuugeki 2:14
13 Yurusarezaru Ikari 2:50
14 Hiai 3:04
15 Atatakai Soup mitai da ne 4:49
16 Shinpan no Toki 3:09
17 Kibou 5:10
18 Dear Despair (Extra Version) 1:52
19 Youki naru Shusei-tachi 3:09
20 Reimei no Tsuki 3:03
21 Tears (Extra Version) 5:13

Disc length 69:00


DISK 2 - Drama (Bloody Nightmae Another Story)

01 Bloody Nightmare 3:14
02 Dare mo Inakunatta Tou 3:50
03 Ookami-tachi no Himei 0:31
04 Ookami-gari 2:18
05 Deai 2:58
06 Banmaden 3:14
07 Kurutta Shironeko 2:43
08 Waga Douhou wo Suku'u tameni 0:52
09 Banmaden no Naka de 7:02
10 WOLF [Ookami-shu] no Osa 0:42
11 Rath no Shinsou Shinri 5:14
12 Shironeko-tachi no Yuugi 4:10
13 Weblin no Kishi 3:52
14 Torauma 2:52
15 Kazoku no Omoi 8:27
16 Shironeko-Ouji-tachi no Omoi 3:57
17 Chinurareta Takurami 1:39
18 Ookami to Hito tono Yurusarezaru Ai 4:35

Disc length 62:10

Cast in Drama

梶 裕貴 Kaji Yuuki as Rath (ラス)
櫻井孝宏 Sakurai Takahiro as (メヨーヨ)
吉野裕行 Yoshino Hiroyuki as (オージェ)
三木眞一郎 Miki Shin'ichirou as (ネッソ)
石田 彰 Ishida Akira as (ザラ)
森川智之 Morikawa Toshiyuki as (アルル)


The DL Links below are only for the registered members of the AS.

Please do not copy the DL links and pass, and do not post them in the other places such as other forums etc.

Download Link: Mediafire
Download Link: MEGA

[Hidden content]

If there is any problem (DL link dead etc.), ask me in VM or via PM.

[edit 1]: Correction of images urls on April 26, 2018

_ mrd [/COLOR]
Thank you!
thank you so much!
Last edited:

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ProfProcPlot wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

[210226][株式会社 HIKARI FIELD] Re:LieF ~親愛なるあなたへ~ / Re:LieF ~献给亲爱的你~18+ [JPN/CHN] ?

I need Japanese version only.
And quite sorry but RG doesn't work for me.
Rosemerta wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, can you re-upload this [221013] please? Thank you :D
NIKKA wrote on Esan's profile.
Could you please reupload https://www.anime-sharing.com/threads/160129-cuterush-らぶきゅばす!おんなのこ-あくま-おとこのこ-あくま.1193778/
alaadria wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
is it possible to reupload RJ188070 with a mexashare link?