[English] [130515][130426] [MangaGamer] Tick! Tack! + Update 1.01 [Crack is included] [English] [H-Game]


The Fallen Devil
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Elite Member
Trusted Member
Oct 18, 2010

Host: Bitshare

File Size: 1GB

Link Here:

girlcelly said:
girlcelly said:
girlcelly said:
girlcelly said:
girlcelly said:
Um...Here is "How to Crack" guide:

1- Extract TickTackPatch_101.zip and you will got patch1.xp3
2- Copy and Paste that Patch into game folder
3- Extract Crack.rar to another folder and you will got TickTack.exe, data.xp3 and extrans.tpm ( Crack ones )
4- Copy and Paste TickTack.exe, data.xp3 into game folder ( Overwrite )
5- Copy and Paste extrans.dll into plugin folder ( Overwrite )
6- Happy playing ^_^
baka girlcelly - NemuAndHaruka Happy download ^_^

Try to get it quickly you guys, because seem someone always report abuse my files >_<

[MangaGamer] Tick! Tack! + Update 1.01
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May be something to do with the unicode?? Like changing it to japan ..? Also try NTLEA or AppLocale
I can play the game now. Don't change extrans.tmp to extrans.dll. Just move the file extrans.tmp to Plugin folder.
After that Just rename the game folder. I think the character "!" is the cause. Just remove it.
Thank you for uploading and giving correct way of how to make it run . Good thing i have read all comments .
tyvm about that comment on rename game folder (completly forgot is rare ocations game name causes an error)

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