(Illusion) Immoral Ward

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Here is the Completed H positions for the H-Scenes since HF is in repair mode

Just replace your "00_00_00.pp" file with the one in the rar and remember to always make a backup :)


  • Trans H Pos.jpg
    Trans H Pos.jpg
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  • 00_00_00.rar
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IW - Male Uncensor 1.0 By Rock N Roll Racer - Original model by Profundis

Hey Guys!

So here i am posting the first version of my IW male uncensor, to install the mod you'll need to replace the .xx files located inside your 03_00_00.pp file(which is located in ImmoralWard's data folder).

I made this mod based on Profundis male uncensor for Yuusha, thanks for the model Profundis!

Issues and Bugs:

Unfortunately the infamous twisting caused by Illusion's protection is present here.
It affects mostly the lying positions.
Have to see what we can do to bypass that, as for now sadly i can't promise anything.


(i know 4shared it's kinda annoying since you need to register, feel free to upload anywhere!)

Keep Rocking Guys!

Immoral Ward Female Uncensor

I don't want that someone is spreading my mods on other boards, like HongFire, Nihonomaru, 4Chan etc.
You have first to ask for my permission.

Immoral Ward Female Uncensor v0.6

This mod will only uncensor the girls bodies in the main game and the DLC1 Bonus "99_00_01", "99_00_02" & "99_00_03".
EDIT: The DLC2 Bonus "99_00_04" is now also uncensored.
EDIT: The DLC3 X-Mas Special "99_00_05" is uncensored included.
EDIT: The PPD Bonus Pack "99_00_99" is now uncensored.
EDIT: Make the 3D Pubic visible and fixed the bodies in the PPD Bonus Pack.
EDIT: The meshes of bandage and the succubus cos was near around the anus area not merged together. Is now fixed.

The vagina model was taken from Yuusha uncensor mod and the pink dildo, which I remodeled it into a double dildo was taken from SM2. Both mods was originally created by Profundis.
The 3D pubic hairs was created by 777Maliwei and orginally released in the School Mate 2 uncensor mod.
The pubic hair texture is from [AG3][Girl_Mesh][Animated_Pussy][Uppervolta][v2.2][light] mod.
The penis for the vibrator was taken from Artificial Girl uncensor mod.
The double dildo and the vibrator have an light glossy effect, to let them have an sexy look.
Thanks to Alexae for the little help, to match the crossovers around the genital area.
Thanks to lgts20xx for helping me to make the pubic visible and to fix the PPD Bodies.


There is still an issue with the 3D (first) pubic hair.
It not really works in the game. It is visible, but if you zoom very close to it, the 2D texture will disappear.
You can not also recolor it in the maker. If you want to recolor it and completly visible, than you have to resize the hi-res textures in the 07_00_00.pp file to 16x16 and you have to change the HEX in the Submesh "cw_O_Kmoza" from 2C-64-00 to 2E-64-00.
But then there are unfortunately mosaics.
You have to choose by yourself.
Maybe someone find a way to keep it completly visible and colorable, by use the hi-res textures.



Note: I have the psd file, if someone want to create better or their own textures, please let me now and I send you it via private message.

Immoral Ward Female Uncensor v0.6 with the Fleshy Double Dildo

Here is the femal uncensor with the Fleshy Double Dildo. The special thing is, that the dildo is not only looking like a (double sided) penis, no, is is also matching with the skin color by changing it. :evillaugh:
Please read the installation guide, cause I have to reduce the PPD Bonus Pack, that the coses are able to work.
Maybe someone can help me to split the PPD Bonus Pack. Read here more about it.

The double dildo, which was made from a penis, was also taken from School Mate 2, created by Profundis.
Very Importand to read!

Installation guide:
Insert all files from all folders into each proper *.pp file. The numbers on the folders, tells you which *.pp file you have to use.
You have to remove the bra (exsample: cw_t_bura_00_00) and panty (exsample: cw_t_pants_00_00) textures and the cos preview pictures (exsample: y01_sp_05_54_100) in the "99_00_99.pp", to aviod that you exceed the 4 GB limit.
If you don't do it, than the all the PPD Bonus coses will not work. Use SB3Utility for it.




Note: I have the psd file, if someone want to create better or their own textures, please let me now and I send you it via private message.

I don't want that someone is spreading my mods on other boards, like HongFire, Nihonomaru, 4Chan etc.
You have first to ask for my permission.
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Immoral Ward HF Patch

This patch updates your Immoral Ward with officially released DLC. In addition it installs PARTIAL English translations and uncensor created by the awesome HF modders.


Immoral Ward HF Patch version 1.0 includes:

This patch would not be possible without SB3Utility(GUI+Script) 0.5.7α by enimaroah

Show your appreciation of the modder's work and click on all the
buttons above and write a comment!

Known issues
  • Immoral Studio is required (it will crash if it's not installed). Read more on how to install this.
  • It will most likely not be possible to install a different female uncensor mod without reinstalling 99_00_99.pp (you can probably delete 99_01_99.pp).
  • The patch requires at least 8GB free temporary space on the drive where you installed Immoral Ward to install all mods. The space will be freed when patching is complete.
Having problems?
  1. Read the Immoral Ward Technical Help wiki!
  2. Read/search the Immoral Ward discussion!
  3. PM me
This patch will be updated if there are updates to any of the included mods or if other essential mods are released.​

DOWNLOAD: Torrent -

DOWNLOAD: anime-sharing -

Version history
1.0, 2014.03.17: Update UI to 0.2 (major improvement), update uncensor to 0.7 (all cos'es uncensored), add standing BJ animations by RRR, Compression=lzma2/ultra64.
0.9, 2014.01.25: Update male uncensor to 1.3, remove Twist Fix For Sex Positions 1.0 and Foreplay Twist Fix 1.0 because those are included in male uncensor 1.3. Update female uncensor to 0.6 (same version as previous, but fresh download had differences in a few files).
0.8, 2014.01.11: Add Studio GUI Translation 140101, update Female Uncensor to v0.6 with SVIEX 140110, add Illusion VR 2.5.0, update Windowed Fullscreen to 2.0.
0.7, 2013.12.29: Update uncensor to v0.4 131228 to fix issue with disappearing PPD costumes
0.6, 2013.12.27: Include studio launcher DLC3, female uncensor 0.4, male uncensor 1.2, Foreplay Twist Fix 1.0.
0.5, 2013.12.02: Check if 54_00_00.pp exists before applying sex toy unc.
0.4, 2013.12.01: Add DLC3, update female unc to 0.3, add Twist Fix For Sex Positions 1.0, add Uncensored Sextoys.
0.3, 2013.11.21: Add Campaign Data (99_00_02.pp).
0.2, 2013.11.19: Add Preorder Data, add modified 09_00_00.pp (part of English launcher), add msvcr110.dll to hopefully fix SB3UtilityScript.exe new dependency.
0.1, 2013.11.18: Initial version
Banner by Dorllanen
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IW - Male Uncensor 1.1 By Rock N Roll Racer

Hey Guys!
I am posting a new version of my uncensor, aside from the basic uncensor from 1.0 this version also takes care of the annoying extra censorship Illusion included in this game.
Now the character's fingers and tongue are no longer censored in fingering and licking positions.
Thanks again to Profundis for the base model!

The .xx files affected are the same of the 1.0 version, they are found inside your 03_00_00.pp file.


IW - Cowgirl Twist Fix

I've also started working on fixing some of the animations, i fixed the twist on the cowgirl position so far.
The mod affects three small .xa files, they are located inside your 08_00_00.pp file.
Thanks to enimaroah for supporting and helping me on exporting ImmoralWard's animations into maya.

Things To Do:

-When the character is clothed the groin region still has that ugly mosaic, i need some time to further see the most adequate way to uncensor it.
-Loads of animations require fixing, i won't be able to do all of them on my own. Fixing them can be very hardwork and takes lot of time.
I'll see if i can at least fix most of the sex positions.


  • IW - Cowgirl Twist Fix - By Rock N Roll Racer.rar
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Uncensored Sextoys

I don't want that someone is spreading my mods on other boards, like HongFire, Nihonomaru, 4Chan etc.
You have first to ask for my permission.

A very easy, quick and dirty uncensor of the sextoys for the studio.
You can change by yourself the textures.

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Premium Play Darkness Girls to Immoral Ward

I don't want that someone is spreading my mods on other boards, like HongFire, Nihonomaru, 4Chan etc.
You have first to ask for my permission.

This mod includes the girls from PPD, the accessories, the pose animations for the studio and 3 animations to extend the lesbian scenes.
the PPD Bonus Pack is required, if you want the original clothes.
EDIT: I put some more items and add 4 animations, for exsample the female mastrubate, for the studio.
EDIT: I include the BDSM animations from PPD.

Knowing Issues:
In the game the girls head from Yuka, Yoko, Asuka, Michiru and Sara have problems with the head morphs. Don't know why.
Also in the game, the eyes are open and close very fast, which looks like flickering.
The helmets are not working. They are on the bottom.
Preview pictures are missing.
The BDSM Animations are unfortunately not perfect, they still need some work. Especially the *.lst files need to be edited.
I insert two folders with the *lst files from PPD and from IW, which controls the positions of each animation. Maybe someone can work on them, to make the animations better to work.

This mod is more working with the studio.

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English User Interface Translation v0.2

I don't want that someone is spreading my mods on other boards, like HongFire, Nihonomaru, 4Chan etc.
You have first to ask for my permission.

English User Interface Translation

This is a partial translation of Immoral Ward UI in English. Also removes the Illusion's trademark on screen captures.

It should be Wizzard Ready (not tested : PM me a link to IW Wizzard Profile, please !)

WARNING : This is a work in progress. This UI translation is not yet complete !
ETA for Final Release : December 1, 2013.

Well unfortunately Dr.Yoshi finished not this mod and no one other wants to take it in his/her hand.
Okay I try to continue on it and now the most of the gfx are translated. There are still some gfx to translate.
Well I can not speak/read japanes, but I get some help from someone who want no credits. I call him the Member With No Name.

[HIDE-THANKS][IW][Interface][English UI Translation][DrYoshi+FutaBoy][v0.2].7z[/HIDE-THANKS]
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Surgical Gown

I don't want that someone is spreading my mods on other boards, like HongFire, Nihonomaru, 4Chan etc.
You have first to ask for my permission.

Here is finally the surgical gown for the women, which I miss in that hospital themed game.

Issue: Unfortunately, the sperms are not really working on the outfit. Don't know how to manage it, cause the *.lst is very confusing for me.

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Futanari Mod

I don't want that someone is spreading my mods on other boards, like HongFire, Nihonomaru, 4Chan etc.
You have first to ask for my permission.

This mod replace the guys with futanaris. It comes also with the animation mod, which was created by Rock'n'Roll Racer.
For Dr. Futa and Michiru I used the 43 Hairstyle Pack Mod (which includes only 26 hairstyles).
You can remove the male hairstyles "cm_20_00_00.xx" and "cm_20_01_00.xx", inside 03_00_00.pp or you replace them with the empty xx files, which are also in my mod included.



NOTE: If you have trouble with the subtexture cm_body_ref_00.bmp, that you have a black body, than you have to remove it. You will find it inside the materials cm_M_body_00_00, cm_M_body_00_01 and cm_M_tikubi_00_00.
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Hospital Maps and Items

I don't want that someone is spreading my mods on other boards, like HongFire, Nihonomaru, 4Chan etc.
You have first to ask for my permission.

Hospital Hallway and Rooms

Originally extracted and converted by poOo-FiL-oO for deviantART
I converted it for Immoral Ward.
If you want the surgery room, you have to choose Hospital Hallway (昼), for the class room you have to click on Hospital Hallway (タ) and for the hallway you have to select Hospital Hallway (夜).


Medical Furniture and Items

Originally extracted and converted from Mass Effect 3 by HatOfAss for deviantART.
The Asaii Ventress Light Sabre is made by mattymanx at deviantART.
The breathing mask was taken from an pilot model, which was created by ysup12 at TF3DM.
I convert it for Immoral Ward.
Here are the lines which you have to add inside the item list "y01_s_item_info_00.lst", which is inside the 50_00_00.pp file and you have also to add the numbers, which I mark with an xxx.

xxx	xxx	7	Blood Bottle	data/54_00_00.pp	blood_container.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	7	Cardiac Monitor	data/54_00_00.pp	cardiac_monitor.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	7	Ceilling Screen	data/54_00_00.pp	ceilling_screen.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	7	Counter with Sink	data/54_00_00.pp	counter_sink.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	7	Counter Left	data/54_00_00.pp	counterL.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	7	Counter Right	data/54_00_00.pp	counterR.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	7	Locker	data/54_00_00.pp	locker.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	7	Medical Monitor	data/54_00_00.pp	medical_monitor.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	7	Med Kit	data/54_00_00.pp	medkit.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	7	Microscope	data/54_00_00.pp	microscope.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	7	Oxygene Tank	data/54_00_00.pp	oxygene.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	7	Shelf	data/54_00_00.pp	shelf.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	7	Work Light	data/54_00_00.pp	worklight.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	7	Breathing Mask	data/54_00_00.pp	iwi_breath_mask_00.xx	0	0	0	0
xxx	xxx	10	Asajj Ventress Light Saber	data/54_00_00.pp	Asajj_Ventress_00.xx	0	0	0	0

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okinawa wrote on Esan's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

okinawa wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

MRJK wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello Ryzen, would you mind if I will ask you to upload this? ( seem like a different version)
Wakabayashi wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello, in this post part 2 and 4 in mexashare are down. Could you please reupload ?? Thanks!
