[Album] [240919] TVアニメ「時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん」オリジナルサウンドトラック


Elite Member
Jan 1, 2017

File Size: 283mb
Format: mp3
Bitrate: 320kbps

Track List:

01. 時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん -Main Theme-.mp3 (8.6 MiB)
02. 征嶺学園の朝.mp3 (6.3 MiB)
03. 孤高のお姫様.mp3 (6.6 MiB)
04. 平穏学園ライフ.mp3 (6.0 MiB)
05. 伝えてなんてあげない.mp3 (5.0 MiB)
06. 分かってるんですけど!?.mp3 (4.0 MiB)
07. 私にもかまってよ.mp3 (5.1 MiB)
08. 乙女心とヤキモチ.mp3 (5.9 MiB)
09. ハプニング!.mp3 (5.2 MiB)
10. 高嶺の花のお嬢様.mp3 (5.6 MiB)
11. 幼馴染設定.mp3 (5.0 MiB)
12. ハイパーセンス.mp3 (4.5 MiB)
13. 対抗心.mp3 (4.7 MiB)
14. 負けず嫌い.mp3 (5.0 MiB)
15. 全力のファッションショー.mp3 (4.7 MiB)
16. 学園の聖母.mp3 (5.2 MiB)
17. フリーダム.mp3 (5.0 MiB)
18. 灰色の世界.mp3 (5.6 MiB)
19. ひとりぼっち.mp3 (6.1 MiB)
20. 雪解け.mp3 (4.1 MiB)
21. 新しい日々.mp3 (5.8 MiB)
22. Fun! Fun! Every Day!.mp3 (6.1 MiB)
23. Enjoy!.mp3 (5.9 MiB)
24. 君とダンスを.mp3 (7.7 MiB)
25. 淡い安らぎ.mp3 (5.5 MiB)
26. Break Time.mp3 (5.4 MiB)
27. 私立征嶺学園.mp3 (5.8 MiB)
28. 周防家の神童.mp3 (7.8 MiB)
29. 溢れ出す想い.mp3 (2.6 MiB)
30. 眩しいくらいに真っ直ぐに.mp3 (6.7 MiB)
31. 共に踏み出す一歩.mp3 (5.4 MiB)
32. 目が離せない.mp3 (4.4 MiB)
33. 平常運転?.mp3 (4.6 MiB)
34. そっと、忍んで.mp3 (4.7 MiB)
35. 駆け引き.mp3 (4.4 MiB)
36. 言えない気持ち.mp3 (4.9 MiB)
37. 超ド級のメイド.mp3 (4.9 MiB)
38. 誰でも出来る催眠術入門.mp3 (7.8 MiB)
39. 不敵な笑み.mp3 (9.7 MiB)
40. 宣戦布告.mp3 (5.1 MiB)
41. 理想との対峙.mp3 (6.0 MiB)
42. 摩擦.mp3 (6.0 MiB)
43. 苦い思い出.mp3 (5.5 MiB)
44. 持つ者と持たざる者.mp3 (4.9 MiB)
45. 優しい眼差し.mp3 (7.2 MiB)
46. 自分の意志で.mp3 (5.9 MiB)
47. 動き出した想い.mp3 (8.2 MiB)
48. 一等星.mp3 (10.4 MiB)
49. 時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん -Reprise-.mp3 (5.9 MiB)
1 https://filefox.cc/dgjcoesoy01g
2 https://filefox.cc/zjzh4iabuva7

1 https://www.uploadbank.com/nw84dcmqtzs7
2 https://www.uploadbank.com/rxolsmnjqg3k

1 https://fikper.com/CKU1t3OPAB/z1virt.part1.rar.html
2 https://fikper.com/2iZv3anv5i/z1virt.part2.rar.html

1 https://rapidgator.net/file/7bbdf368b57d11f6fb62caf5c138fddf/z1virt.part1.rar.html
2 https://rapidgator.net/file/7db6a3086441d9b5084a714ba3984567/z1virt.part2.rar.html

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bilau wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello Can you please upload the latest version of RJ289056, lots of new content thank you.
Agent_Smith wrote on Esan's profile.
dead too
Agent_Smith wrote on Esan's profile.
these links are dead too
Agent_Smith wrote on Esan's profile.
can you reupload? your links are dead