[Hentai game] [ADV] [HERMIT] 世界でいちばんNG(だめ)な恋 / Sekai de Ichiban Dame na Koi

New Dragon

Elite Member
Jul 20, 2012
[ADV] [HERMIT] 世界でいちばんNG(だめ)な恋 / Sekai de Ichiban Dame na Koi

Title / タイトル: 世界でいちばんNG(だめ)な恋 / Sekai de Ichiban Dame na Koi
Brand / ブランド: HERMIT
Release / 販売日: 2007/10/26
File size / ファイル容量: 2.86GB


In a break from tradition, the player is placed in the role of Yoshimura Osamu, a 28 year old man that, as our story begins, is walking home after getting drunk to forget the problems in his life. He recently lost his job as an accountant due to corporate downsizing. On his way home he bumps into a kind and attractive woman named Hinosaka Honoka, who consoles him and tries to cheer him up. Before parting ways, she mentions that if he needs a place to stay, to look her up.

Unsurprisingly, our protagonist is smitten by Honoka's kindness, and three months later decides to take her up on her offer. Her house turns out to be a large boarding house, but much to his dissapointment, Honoka is nowhere to be found. Instead, he comes face-to-face with Honoka's teenage daughter Mitoko. At first, Mitoko is hostile to him and attacks him when she thinks that he is the man her mother ran away with. After clearing things up, Osamu finds out that Honoka ran off with some man, leaving her daughter all alone to take care of the boarding house their family owned along with dealing with school and everything else. Feeling bad for Mitoko (not to mention he had made arrangements to move into the boarding house already), Osamu decides to stick around and help Mitoko while she waits for her mother to return. The story kind of goes from there, exploring Osamu's past and lacking traits as an adult, while also allowing the player to witness Mitoko's growth as a person with the support of her tenants and Osamu.

職を失い、希望を失い、ついでに若さも失いかけてる主人公・芳村理(28)は、 やけ酒とばかりにスナックでなけなしの金を使い果たし、路上をさまよっていた。
そんな時、お店の売れっ子らしくたくさんの上客に囲まれていた女性に、いきなり声をかけられ、 優しく励まされる。
実はアパートを経営しているという彼女に、そんな言葉とともに告げられた住所を尋ねてみれば、 テラスハウス陽の坂とは名ばかりのオンボロ長屋。
しかも、彼を出迎えたのは、穂香とは親子ほども歳の離れた……というか実の娘の美都子 (身長145cm)だった。
なぜなら運命を感じたはずの穂香は、娘におんぼろアパートと奇妙な住人だけを残して、 他の男と駆け落ちをしてしまっていたから。
こうして、高身長・高学歴・無収入なリストラ青年(本人談)と、頑張り屋で健気だけどちびっこ (本人は否定)な少女との、凸凹な一つ屋根の下での生活が始まった。

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