Title: やや、置き場がない!
Romaji: Yaya, Okiba ga Nai!
Released Date: 2011-11-25
Company/Producer: Akabei Soft2
Getchu: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=718231
VNDB: http://vndb.org/v7810
Looking for torrent of this game. Should have been released last month but nothing found so far. Direct download would be fine for me as well. Thanks in advance.
Romaji: Yaya, Okiba ga Nai!
Released Date: 2011-11-25
Company/Producer: Akabei Soft2
Getchu: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=718231
VNDB: http://vndb.org/v7810
Looking for torrent of this game. Should have been released last month but nothing found so far. Direct download would be fine for me as well. Thanks in advance.