2024年9月23日にキネマ倶楽部で開催された「NEW KICKS」。ホーン隊やストリングスを加えた10人編成でのライブ音源をCDでリリース。
1-01. 青のサーカス (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
1-02. 素敵な影の結末 (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
1-03. Just A Side Of Love (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
1-04. Let Me Feel It (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
1-05. 雨 (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
1-06. Stars And Lies (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
1-07. 夜の終わり (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
1-08. Slow Dance (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
1-09. This Feelin' Only Knows (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
1-10. One Love (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
1-11. The Smoke Is You (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
1-12. 透明色のクルージング (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
1-13. See Your Heart (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
1-14. おぼろげ (Live at KINEMA CLUB, 2024)
RG (RapidGator)
FP (FikPer)
KeianakaAnywherebyNEWKICKS20241127WEBFLAC.rar - 432 MB
KF (KatFile)
KeianakaAnywherebyNEWKICKS20241127WEBFLAC.rar - 432.3 MB