[Album] SYZA - Militia (2016.09.07/MP3/RAR)


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Trusted Member
Mar 19, 2015
<img src="https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oRrH2GJoaQk/WB_ugjavE0I/AAAAAAAADQg/4nv8ZYpHOBIdk0tjgFMbl8sWmUoL4fRdACLcB/s1600/4.jpg"/>

1980年生まれ、東京都出身のラッパー・SYZAの2枚目となるフルアルバム。日常的な描写と世代を超えて響く普遍性が共存するメッセージと、歌詞カードを見なくとも聞き取れるSYZAのラップ技術。ギャングスターラップでもなく、コンシャスなラップでもない、唯一無二のSYZAラップを味わえる1枚。KZ (ex. HAKAIHAYABUSA)、草薙さゆり、Dj Whitesmith、TOMY WEALTHなどが参加。

The full album which becomes the second piece of rapper, SYZA for 1980 years from birth, Tokyo. A lap technology of SYZA to be able to hear even if I do not look at the message that universality to sound more than a generation coexists with daily description and the lyrics card. One piece to be able to taste SYZA lap of the one and only that it is not a gang star lap, and is not the lap which is conscious. KZ (ex. HAKAIHAYABUSA), Kusanagi Sayuri, Dj Whitesmith, TOMY WEALTH participate.

1. Trigger
2. Militia
3. Victimized (feat. KZ)
4. Seasons
5. Moment
6. Absence (feat. 草薙さゆり)
7. Synchronicity
8. Little Bird
9. Howl
10. Passage
11. Future On The Stand
12. 蝶々

<strong><a href="http://link-zip.com/?p=7807]DOWNLOAD From : Rapidgator, Uploaded, Bigfile, Datafile, Katfile, Faststore</a></strong>

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