anyone here playing ragnarok online?

I played for about a month.
I'm not about to pay for a game that doesn't even show armor). I have to admit that it was a very, very addicting MMORPG.
I had a level 32 merchant when I quit (they started charging...
Try RebirthRO. They're private server and you can play in it for free.
And instead of only 3 character slots per servers(they have 3 servers), they gave you 12 character slots, so that you can make character for each job classes.
I play it and I dont play it as I dont play the main RO server.
I play the private servers which although most of them have higher rates of EXP and Drops they tend to be more fun than the original server.
I have a taekwon which is a strength and agility based character.
A mage whos more of a dex vitality based character and a super novice who is unstoppable at the server max lvl of 992 and job lvl at 589.
If anyone wants an RO private server try blackout RO for it may not be number one in the top RO private server chart it is the best one in my opinion with uptime for the last 5months straight.
I had a Hunter but I quit because the Server was delayful and I heared it was about to be shut down in my country. now I play WoW Hunter xDD
Ah, I play it until now~
Well, for the official server I quit playing when the rebirth is out..

For now I play the private server! Its fun!
IdRO based on KRO (balanced)
server : Thor
main chara : Sura 150/70
Server: Loki
Main Character: Hunter 150/100 (Constantine van Drakk)

All my characters, Lord Knight, Blacksmith, Hunter, Gunslinger & Alchemist, are AGI base. I believe in fast over strength. The enemy can't kill you if you're agile enough.
Ahhh this bring back memories~
I used to play this and then I quit...
I played on normal paid server in my country, my char was lv 98 Priest (I died a million times before reaching lv 99 TT_TT)
Ahh I remembered that one time in the beginning of the server when somebody sold angel wings on Morroc for 5000 zeny...
I didn't buy it because I probably only had 7000 zeny... I regret it until this day *sobs*
My other char was lv 60 alchemist and lv 70 dancer that I made just for fun...
I had a lv 80 wizard focused on meteor swarm in another server, I used to play it when I was having a fight with my "husband" in my main server ;p
I have always wanted to play this game, but some of the details about playing online bothers me. What's the exact requirements for play?
LOL, this is unrelated to the topic but why is your profile picture a korean flag while you're philippines and your location is in america??
LOL, this is unrelated to the topic but why is your profile picture a korean flag while you're philippines and your location is in america??

I don't want to spam up the thread, you can ask me that on my profile and I'll tell you. I'm still hoping for a reply to my question to RO.
i'm playing talonRO for now, great private server but hard to levelling and make money lol.

exact requirement? hmm, maybe good internet connection and lot of free time lol
i'm playing talonRO for now, great private server but hard to levelling and make money lol.

exact requirement? hmm, maybe good internet connection and lot of free time lol
Masi beta atau uda lama ituh?
Bot aja pake openkore :3
udah lama sih, server udah berdiri 5 tahunan haha.

gak tembus bot, GM nya sangar2 haha
i played BlackoutRO Pretty Balanced Server 500/120 Max Level He Now Have 3rd Job and the 3rd job has his own pvp
i am still playing it time to time :)

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