- Mar 24, 2012
- 6,100
- 674
This is a really nice album~<3
Original Name: PERFECT SELECTION -AIR- 青空の鈴
Composers: KEY (Jun Maeda), Shinji Orito, Magome Togoshi
Release Date: Dec 30, 2000
Published By: Chelsea Gumi
Catalogue number: CHLG-0104
VGMDB: http://vgmdb.net/album/29804
Format: MPEG-1 Layer 3
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
Compression level: LAME V0 VBR
01 回想録 ~reminiscences~
02 鳥の詩
03 夢語り ~saga~
04 虹 ~prism~
05 夏影 ~summer lights~
06 夜想 ~nocturne~
07 川 ~river~
08 理 ~the law~
09 月童 ~moon child~
10 縁 ~the way so far~
11 双星 ~altair and vega~
12 ふたり ~two of us~
13 伝承 ~folklore~
14 銀色 ~giniro~
15 ちぇるしぃ
02 鳥の詩
03 夢語り ~saga~
04 虹 ~prism~
05 夏影 ~summer lights~
06 夜想 ~nocturne~
07 川 ~river~
08 理 ~the law~
09 月童 ~moon child~
10 縁 ~the way so far~
11 双星 ~altair and vega~
12 ふたり ~two of us~
13 伝承 ~folklore~
14 銀色 ~giniro~
15 ちぇるしぃ
The rar says perfect collection, but the metadata says perfect selection.
BubbleGum is a group that finds and shares awesome music for the fun of it~<3
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