Title: Yume no Naka de (Honkai: Star Rail) / ユメの中で── (崩壊スターレイル) Circle/Artist: Navy Blue (Kagura Nanaki) / Navy Blue (神楽七姫) Pages: 22 Size: 42 MB
Type: Doujinshi Language: Japanese Release Date: 2024/08/11
I'm not sure where you got this from, but my creations are made possible thanks to everyone's support.
That's why seeing them being shared like this without permission is really disappointing and saddens me...
It honestly lowers my motivation as well.
I kindly ask that you remove it.
Hi Esan! Some years ago you made the last RJ164833 thread but now it's also dead like the others. Reup pls.
Latest ver is 1.01, but it just corrects bugs.