[Japanese] Custom Order Maid 3D2 modpack R2


Elite Member
Elite Member
Oct 29, 2016

ブランド / Brand:Custom Order Maid 3D2 modpack R2
発売日 / Release Date: [2020-01-21]
ファイルサイズ / File Size: 6.5GB










_Custom_Order_Maid_3D2_Modpack_R2.part1.rar.html][COM3D2] Custom Order Maid 3D2 Modpack R2.part1.rar - 999.0 MB
_Custom_Order_Maid_3D2_Modpack_R2.part2.rar.html][COM3D2] Custom Order Maid 3D2 Modpack R2.part2.rar - 999.0 MB
_Custom_Order_Maid_3D2_Modpack_R2.part3.rar.html][COM3D2] Custom Order Maid 3D2 Modpack R2.part3.rar - 999.0 MB
_Custom_Order_Maid_3D2_Modpack_R2.part4.rar.html][COM3D2] Custom Order Maid 3D2 Modpack R2.part4.rar - 999.0 MB
_Custom_Order_Maid_3D2_Modpack_R2.part5.rar.html][COM3D2] Custom Order Maid 3D2 Modpack R2.part5.rar - 999.0 MB
_Custom_Order_Maid_3D2_Modpack_R2.part6.rar.html][COM3D2] Custom Order Maid 3D2 Modpack R2.part6.rar - 999.0 MB
_Custom_Order_Maid_3D2_Modpack_R2.part7.rar.html][COM3D2] Custom Order Maid 3D2 Modpack R2.part7.rar - 658.3 MB


For the sake of simplicity I will refer to "the root of the COM3D2 installation directory" as "COM3D2_ROOT"

Step 1
- download CM3D2 from "https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2776905" to your SSD (rename the folder to CM3D2 if you want)
- run "_01 AIO install . first run this. 올인원 설치. 이거 먼저 실행. v022.cmd" (run as Administrator)
- run "_56 Option. Reg add 레지스트리 등록 v001_UTF-8.cmd". (run as Administrator. Run again every time you change the installation path)
- optionally you can run CM3D2_DLC_Checker.exe and see which dlc isn't installed then get it from https://pastebin.com/szLBtzMQ and install it. If I recall correctly there were 2 missing dlc for the linked repack.

Step 2
- download COM3D2 from "https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2858116" to your SSD (rename the folder to COM3D2 if you want)
- run "_01 AIO install . first run this. 올인원 설치. 이거 먼저 실행. v022.cmd" (run as Administrator)
- run "_15 Option. Reg add 레지스트리 등록 v001_UTF-8.cmd" (run as Administrator. Run again every time you change the installation path)
- run "COM3D2.exe" game launcher and in the upper right corner hit the settings button and select the 3rd option. You can use your smartphone's camera with google translate to figure what it says but basically what you need to do there is enter the installation path of CM3D2 and save the settings. Now COM3D2 will automatically import the assets and maid personalities from CM3D2.
- exit the game launcher
- This build as of now has a few DLC missing. Run COM_DLC_Checker and install from https://pastebin.com/Z6qkqJ08 whatever is missing. Run updates using https://pooi.moe/Locale-Emulator/ and select "Run in japanese (Admin)". Or wait for the next repack by lilly.

Step 3
- Copy the contents of this pack to COM3D2_ROOT (no need to copy Mod.7z)
- Extract "Mod.7z" to COM3D2_ROOT. (If "Mod" folder is not in the same directory as the game launcher you did something wrong.)
- Go to [Noctsoul Sybaris II AIO] folder and extract "Sybaris COM3D2 [191031].7z" into COM3D2_ROOT. (You should now have "i18nEx", "IMGUITranslationLoader", "Sybaris", "opengl32.dll" and a bunch of readme txt files in the same folder as game launcher. If you don't you did something wrong.)
- At this point you should have a working uncensored COM3D2 with the essential mods and plugins and automated machine translation which isn't that great.
- Go to [Noctsoul Sybaris II AIO] => Translation AIO [Sybaris II] [191218].7z and extract it into COM3D2_ROOT overwriting all existing files. This will give you a better translation for the user interface and the main story. You must go to the ingame configuration and select English language. Sometimes when no text is displayed during dialog you must select English and Japanese. Translation was made by the CM3D2/COM3D2 comunity and is really good.

Step 4
- Everything should be set. I run the game with "COM3D2.exe" and it works fine for me. Some suggest to run it with "COM3D2x64.exe". I wouldn't expect the game to start without errors on the first try. Don't freak out when the game window is not responding. Just wait. For me it usually takes around 4 minutes to load to title screen on a decent machine. Just keep trying both exe until it finally completely loads for the first time and then keep using the exe that worked. If for some reason loading gets stuck it sometimes helps to hit space or enter on the console window. If you only get sound and a black window it helps setting fullscreen: false and the resolution to 1280x720 in "config.xml" and then change it to whatever you want while ingame. It's important for the game to load correctly once and most issues will be gone on a second loading.

- go into [TOOLS] and install Maid Fiddler preferrably in the game folder. When it asks, point it to the COM3D2 installation folder. Maid Fiddler allows you to edit your maids stats. To use it you must first run Maid Fiddler and then run the game, load a save file and wait for it to connect. There's no point using it until you have a save file with at least the 3 main characters hired. Always backup your savedata and use this tool with caution. It may break your save file.

- You may want to install VibeYourMaid plugin. It is a plug-in that can be used for maids working or dancing with remote control vibes. Tons of fun to use. Go to [Optional Mod] and extract "com3d2_mod_kyouyu_b_92 vibeyourmaid plugin.7z". Copy "UnityInjector" folder to "Sybaris" folder in COM3D2_ROOT. I recommend leaving this plugin for later once you get used to the interface and the other included plugins. You'll probably get confused when the whole screen gets covered in menus. Interface is activated with the I and O keys. You can click on UNZIP and Settings to collapse/show the menus.

- You may want a more detailed model for the male body. This can be achieved by using XTMasterSlave plugin. It can be used to overlay one of your hired maids over the Master's body and make it mimic the Master's movement.
To install it go to [Optional Mod] and extract XtMasterSlave_0.0.5.0 (COM3D).7z then copy "Sybaris" folder to COM3D2_ROOT.

I created 2 presets for a male maid, one with casual clothes and one with suit. You can apply them to your maids and use them with this plugin. I still couldn't make the presets exactly match the default male body proportions but it's close enough. If you can adjust it better then upload the preset somewhere and let us know about it.
I recommend you first set the Master's body to the default male body with TNP uncensor (usually the first option in the list)

How to use it (normal use case scenario):
1. Activate it with Alt+M when a sex scene is in progress.
2. [SubMaid Call] - > Select SubMaid (This maid must not already be present in the scene).
3. [Slave] (Puppet) -> Select the maid that you just summoned
4. [Master] (Source) -> Select the man body that the summoned maid will mimic, usually "Man No. 0" if no other man is present in the scene.
5. [Slave] (Puppet) - > Click on Maste-Slave Link Start.
6. [PLacement] - > I recommend clicking on the + next to the the Slave Position (Gizmo), not the gizmo itself, for better positioning options. There you can also allign the overlay maid by penis or pelvis. Depending on the sex position one fits better than the other. You can leave "Attach Hands to Master's" and "Copy Master's Hand IK Target" checked. The IK Target part could make the hands offset too much and you can disable it if it does. You can test and see for yourself what looks good to you
While there you can use the "Master Size" or "Slave Size" sliders to fit the proportions of the master body and the overlay maid. Play with the sliders under HitCheck -> +Open if you want and observe what happens.
7. [Display] - > You can either slide the master trasnparency to 0 or click on Hide Source Master to hide the original male body completely. You can leave "Show Master Penis" checked if the overlay maid does not have a penis equipped or you can't make it allign well enough and you don't want to bother with it.
8. [Display] Slave Clothing -> this one is obvious
9. [Production] Here you can configure the overlay maid voice, lipsync, expression and other stuff mostly for people who make screenshots.
10. It's good to have "Maintain Submaid Slave during Yotogi" option check if you don't want to redo the steps every time the scene changes.
11. Enjoy.
12. If you want to remove the overlay maid go to Submaid Deselection - > Select SubMaid that you wish to remove

- You can use my savefile with my current progress (extract SAVEDATA.7z in the installation folder) and edit it with MaidFiddler to unlock everything if you don't care about the story. I personally don't want to cheat my way through the game because it's all about the subtle changes in personality as you progress. There's also a 100% save file which I haven't tested. I think it comes from the english version. If you can't load the save file perhaps you need to edit the .xml in notepad so the savedata target will match your installation directory. It's just a guess.

- As an alternative to Sybaris II AIO you can use MaidEx AIO which emulates Sybaris and is lighter and open source. I only tested it once a while back and the included plugins may be outdated by now. It is recommended to delete all traces of the previous Sybaris II installation to avoid any conflicts. Delete "Sybaris" folder created from the Nocstoul Sybaris installation and copy "BepInEx", "Sybaris", "doorstop_config.ini" and "version.dll" from the MaidEx AIO to COM3D2_ROOT.
You MUST delete "opengl32.dll" from COM3D2_ROOT in order to remove the previous Sybaris II. You can't have both Sybaris II and MaidEx installed.
On top of that you can apply translation for MaidEx. Go to [MaidEx BepInEx AIO pack] and extract "Translation AIO [MaidEX] [191218].7z" to COM3D2_ROOT overwriting existing files.
It didn't seem any faster to load and I just prefer being up to date. So I'll just stick with Sybaris II for now.


The most common plugins included in this pack are activated using the F2-F12 keys

You will probably use these
- F2: HalfUnDressing . As the name suggests this plugin allows you to lift the skirt and some tops and lingerie that support the feature
- F3: YotogiUtil
- F4: ShapeAnimator. This plugin is used to edit body parts shapekeys and/or animate them. Useful for fine tuning a preset. Each body type has different shapekeys.
There's a complete guide here: https://custommaid3d2.com/index.php?threads/guide-shapeanimator-plugin-basics.86/
- F5: During maid editing -> ModSlider. Also used for fine tuning a preset and make clothes fit better. WIDESLIDER should be enabled because presets usually come with fine tuning that require wideslider.
- F5: During sex scenes -> AddYoyogiSliderSe. Allows to change face expressions and controls holes animation.
AutoBote-> belly inflates when cumming inside (needed for the cross section uterus body). The AUTOBOTE increment can be changed in Sybaris\UnityInjector\Config\AddYotogiSliderSE.ini. Default is 10. Max should be 100.
AutoKUPA controls the holes animation and more (should be enabled).
- F6: Controls face expression
- F7: Changes the room/scenery, lighting and background music
- U: During sex scenes allows separate views on face and crotch. Also can enable overlays for cross section uterus/anal/throat but there are better ways to do that.
- F12: AlwaysColorChange. It edits materials for body parts, drawing order and can control the display of clothes/accessories. It is needed to make the penis visible inside when using the cross section uterus body* or mask/unmask clothes and accesories.
*I made a tutorial on how to use that mod. Mod\_BODY\cm3d2_b_442 uterus cross section\TUTORIAL. As an alternative you can just use a male body designed for that mod but it's not that great.

- I/O: VibeYourMaid
- Alt+M: XTMasterSlave. Lets you overlay the Mater's body with one of your maids and link their movement.


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TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry for interrupt, but can you please update this game? Thanks in advance.
Puxli wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hey! Could you re-upload RJ298049 and RJ362239 mp3 files?

Appreciate it, thanks!
sikany wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hi could you please upload a new update file for RJ01227025?
olfi wrote on xenolin's profile.
Thank you for the last time. I'm sorry to ask again, but can I make a new request? I'd like to make the ``H-scese video'' of 真・恋姫†英雄譚-series&真・恋姫†夢想-革命-series.
Jelly-filled Donut wrote on Shine's profile.
Shine, do you have the update for this? It has additional content and bug fixes. Please and thanks.
まものす to v24.08.25 (Ver1.20)