Eclipse rolling in!

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New member
Sep 23, 2014
Hello everybody,

I am from another MG site and consider myself a veteran. I hopped on over here to see what was going on after joining in on a MG game by Ghost. I have no idea how this place works. Forgive me for any blunders on my part! I don't consider myself to be evil but everyone is apparently terrified of me due to a series of past events in online games. Those are all lies and I will never ever betray you. Ignore the strange noises and flashes of light coming from my general location, just sharpening my wea.... I mean wits. I also have a habit of hiding away where no one can see me as well as an obsession with Zimbabwe.

-hides in totally inconspicuous bush-
Hi eclipse, I see you decided to register aswell... Let's show these kids how we do.

/me rubs hands together
Aaand welcome to you too Eclipse, now we can be awesome here together, possibly.
The mysterious bush loving dude appears! Welcome to ASF and have a good time here. Don't kill too many x3
Welcome to ASF Eclipse. Pls enjoy your stay here! ^_^
Welcome to ASF EclipseZwolf.
Check the Forum Games or Spam section if you would like to chat and nice to meet you.

You're for Mafia Game too? Okay... enjoy in a game then.
Welcome, Eclipse!

Here's hoping you have fun here on ASF. :D
Welcome to AS Eclipse~

Im sure youll fit in with the nutsy guys just fine ;p

/me paints the roses red~
Well, welcome to ASF EclipseZwolf!

Have a lot fun with the stuff of here, and enjoy your free time also with us, okay^¥^?
hello and welcome to ASF Eclipse^^

Nice to meet you~

how are you??

I see you came here for MG=Mafia Game , join of you'd like the more the merrier^^
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