Original Title: Joshi no Oshikko Ijime ~Joshiben-kun to Iwareta Boku no 6 Nenkan~
Aliases: Girls' pee bullying - Six years of me being called a girls' stool boy
Developer: Shiroi Pantsu
VNDB link:
Censored: Yes (mosaics)
Translator: vvf77235
Translation Type: MTL
[*]Make sure the game works as intended before applying the patch. Using a locale emulator or changing the system locale to Japanese, Japan may be necessary.
[*]Move the contents of the patch into the game Script folder. If necessary, overwrite or change the extension of the existing file.
[*]Play using a locale emulator or change the system locale to Japanese, Japan. The game may crash if not using a Japanese, Japan locale.[/LIST]
[*]Move the contents of the patch into the game Script folder. If necessary, overwrite or change the extension of the existing file.
[*]Play using a locale emulator or change the system locale to Japanese, Japan. The game may crash if not using a Japanese, Japan locale.[/LIST]
If you experience a crash, game-breaking bug, or seriously broken text, please post a screenshot of the error on this thread and a short description of when it happened. Providing a save just before the problem occurs would drastically increase the speed of the fixing process.