Question Frequent error occurrence Oops! We ran into some problems. Response was not JSON.


Elite Member
Trusted Member
Sep 21, 2013
What is this phenomenon associated with?
I know from my experience that Java and python can cause this.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused by the frequent errors.

The errors occur when the response from the server is not in JSON format, which is expected by the service worker. The service worker is a script that runs in the background and handles the communication between the frontend and the backend of the website, as well as caching some resources to improve the performance. This is how modern web applications work.

However, we have been experiencing traffic spikes recently and our servers cannot handle the load at peak times. I have deployed an additional server last week to cope with the increased traffic, but it seems that it is still not enough. When the servers are overloaded, they may fail to send a proper response, and the service worker will show the errors you see.

I'm working on deploying more servers in the meantime, but please understand that we have a very limited budget and we cannot afford to waste any.

I appreciate your patience and support.
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Thank you for the clarification.
Live and learn, there is a proverb for a reason.
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This should be fixed. The fix is expensive though: added 2 more servers into the cluster. ~36 cores.
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