Grenadier: Hohoemi no Senshi [BD 1080p]


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Trusted Member
Oct 22, 2017

Main TitleGrenadier: Hohoemi no Senshi (a2326)
Official Title
Grenadier The Beautiful Warrior
Official Title
グレネーダー ~ほほえみの閃士~
TypeTV Series, 12 episodes
Year15.10.2004 until 14.01.2005
SeasonAutumn 2004
Tagsaction, adventure, ecchi, gunfights, large breasts, manga, shounen, violence

* Based on the manga by Kaise Sousuke.

During the age of Japanese Civil War, the faithful samurai Kojima Yajirou is surrounded by an enemy army. At the last moment, the buxom and alluring Tendou Rushuna appears, saving him with a smile... and a high-calibre revolver. She is travelling across Japan in search of a way to bring an end to war. Yajirou and Rushuna challenge countless opponents with his sword and her talent for reloading on the bounce.

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