Has Amazon.co.jp removed all Eroge products?


Elite Member
Jan 1, 2013
I've noticed recently that alot of old/used Eroge I could search up on Amazon JP have had their pages removed outright, have they got a new policy on eroge now? or Do new eroge remain unaffected?
Or is this simply them removing unused pages?

EDIT: I notice it also has affected H-manga too, but weirdly it is possible to search titles on google and still get amazon (defunct) links
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I guess the noose is finally tightened, what a sad day
On Amazon.co.jp I've seen very often under the eroge signs that the product is sold out.
And Visa and Mastercard are against eroge, because there are beautiful girls there, which is forbidden in the West.
But that's my opinion and I'm not imposing it on anyone.

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