Hatsune Miku - Project Diva
July 2, 2009 / March 25, 2010 & July 1, 2010 for DLC 1 & 2
Music / Add-on
Japan / English patched by projectdiva.wiki v0.02
More info regarding the english patch, please visit http://projectdiva.wikispaces.com/Translation+Patch#Version%20History
DLC 1 & 2 Info :
- 9 songs sung by Hatsune Miku
- High-quality polygon PVs of all the songs (can only be viewed)
- 'Hello, Planet' Miku 8-bit minigame (features 4 levels)
- Special Miku theme for your PSP!
- 18 songs sung by Kagamine Len/Rin and Megurine Luka (2 songs by Len, 7 songs by Rin, 9 songs by Luka)
- High-quality polygon PVs of all the songs (can only be viewed)
- 'Toeto' Luka minigame (Tamagotchi-typed)
- Special Len/Rin and Luka themes for your PSP
Run DLC 1 & 2 :
Press Start Button to access the menu.
Main Menu options:
1) Install ---->
1.1) Music Data (Select which song mp3 you want to copy to your memory stick or choose the bottom option to copy them all. If they already exist, you'll be asked if you want to overwrite. O for yes, X for cancel.)
1.2) Edit Data (Select edit data for each song you want to play with in the main game and save them into separate files. Each has to be saved separately so there's no selecting all of them at the bottom. You can make multiple saves of the same edit data if you want to mod any of them yourself.)
1.3) Custom Theme (Select this option to install the custom PSP theme to your PSP)
2) Minigame ---> Start the minigame
3) PV Player ----> Start the high polygon PV player.

Filesonic Download : 1 / 2 / 3
DLC1 : Uploadstation / Filesonic
DLC2 : Uploadstation / Filesonic